To The Editor:
I received my Homestead rebate for the year 2009, in the form of a credit to my taxes for the second quarter of 2011. A period of 15 months after Dec. 31, 2009. The amount of this credit is $246.15, which compares with the 2008 amount of $1,250, which was received in the form of a check on July 31, 2009.
The delay in receiving these rebates is minimal as compared to the new formula in the calculation of the rebate. The calculation of using 2006 property taxes times 20 percent, divided by four, is without logic. My rebate has decreased by over $1,000. To those of us who qualify as senior citizens on a fixed income, this reduction is critical.
I know the governor is faced with major financial problems, many of which he inherited, but to try to correct the state’s financial crisis by withdrawing a major portion of this rebate is without concern for a very large percentage of taxpayers and voters who cannot afford to accept a reduction of this magnitude.
Although little public notice of this new process has been released, I had to seek this out from the New Jersey website, I am concerned that our state legislators have not strongly protested against this unfair process. Has someone in the administration invented this formula, without full and complete approval? I urge the governor to correct this policy promptly. He has already adjusted and reduced the amounts for the Property Tax Reimbursement program for 2009, and now proceeds to further punish those who cannot afford a reduction in income. I hope he will move promptly to correct this program.
Cape May
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