Role Models
Set Example,
Don’t Sneak
To The Editor:
I am writing about the March 15 column by Janine Visalli.
She stated she and a friend wanted to see her university play against Villanova, and she could not afford tickets, so they decided to sneak in.
The friend got caught and she didn’t, so she left her friend to fend for herself and she saw the game, now I can make my point.
She evidently would like to be a role model by writing a column, and show them it’s possible to do whatever you make up your mind to do.
However by her own admission, she snuck into the game and in essence stole a seat from someone else. She also didn’t stay by her friend, (didn’t cover her back, so to speak) and left her alone.
I don’t think they taught that at Wildwood Catholic. I guess she knows she has to decide what to do about confession.
I am an old man, 83 years to be exact, and I can no longer think like a teenager but if you want to set an example and be a role model then you should play by the rules.
I commend her and your other young columnist, keep up the good work, just play by the rules.
Rio Grande
Middle High Pupils Treated Seniors Royally
To The Editor:
Once again Middle Township High School administration, teachers and students honored us seniors with a yearly prom.
The students entertained us with their many talents and served us a delicious meal. We received excellent service and they were very courteous and respectful.
It is so nice to hear a positive note about our teenagers volunteering and performing a wonderful community service. They seemed to enjoy the evening as well.
It has been said “those who bring sunshine to others, can’t keep it from themselves.”
I thank them for a memorable, delightful evening. It was very much appreciated.
Rio Grande
Caterer Made the Party
To The Editor:
We had the good fortune to call All Event Catering (Ray and Karen Bender) for our St. Patrick’s party at the Lions’ Center in Wildwood. They out did themselves. We were very pleased with everything.
Our D.J. Mike Reeb was great.
Red Flag Rose Over GOP Votes
To The Editor:
I write regarding my standing in the March 10 Lower Township Republican Party preference vote, and why I requested a re-vote.
I am interested in serving as Ward 3 representative. I have been a resident for 46 years.
Chairman Walt Craig advised members that six or seven absentee ballots were received. Craig advised committee that some were in Florida and another was stuck at work in surgery. He advised that all votes were from people themselves and that ballots were sealed.
Several ballots were on the front table. I noticed all ballots appeared to be sealed and that they all were the same type of envelopes, which appeared to be unmarked with no mail markings.
A question asked if the absentee ballots were proxy votes, and if they were permitted by the bylaws in this type of preference vote.
The member stated they were not permitted in the Ward 3 vote four years ago. Craig advised they were permitted and allowed then.
Craig was asked to check bylaws for accuracy. He advised he knew the bylaws and absentee ballots were permitted.
The member who questioned the validity and another departed.
I believe that this was the beginning of the improper voting. After the two departed, Craig advised that votes the person was referring to were phone votes, that were not permitted as they were proxy votes, and absentee votes were allowed.
Craig asked for a vote to accept these ballots. I did not say anything, as I felt being a candidate, I did not have a vote.
Craig reported I voted in favor, but I do not know how one would vote by saying nothing. The final vote was Stig Blomkvest, 22, and myself, 15.
My first red flag went up. The question of validity using absentee ballots had never been properly answered.
Bylaws were never checked. Red flags began to rise again. I felt the vote would be considered invalid.
The next day, I received information regarding the absentee ballots, and that there was a possibility at least one was not an absentee but a proxy vote.
I contacted Craig and asked that a re-vote be taken. I advised Craig not all members were informed that they could use an absentee ballot and were not afforded the opportunity.
I questioned the validity of absentee ballots, and also that I believe that a proxy vote was used. Craig refused and advised the vote was final.
I requested David Von Savage, county Republican Committee chairman to intercede.
Von Savage stated he would not, and that he was sending it back to Craig. I contacted Craig via e-mail and requested him to proceed with a re-vote. He would not.
I questioned Craig in reference to a possible proxy vote. I was also told he received the vote from a daughter personally.
Craig advised he would not proceed with a re-vote. He stated in his e-mail that I should stop lying to myself. Craig stated he received the call from the member in Florida himself, not the daughter, and that he placed her vote for her.
This invalidated the envelopes and ballots received from the members themselves, which was stated in the beginning. Craig put this in writing.
I felt the chairman completed a proxy vote, which is not permitted. This was forwarded to Von Savage, who contended he has trust in Craig’s process.
Craig, in my understanding, presented a proxy vote, which is prohibited. Validation of absentee ballots in the meeting is questionable, as people in Florida would have to send votes and none of the envelopes had mail markings.
I ask residents that feel the same to contact me.
North Cape May
Praise VIM, Druggist
To The Editor:
Recently, I read an article in your paper where the VIM clinic had to explain what it provides the community. I can tell first hand.
These volunteer medical professionals provide the best treatment available with care and compassion. I know this first hand as they helped my son when he needed it the most.
I would also like to thank Pharmacist Scott Reef of Medicap Pharmacy in Court House for providing much needed medication for my son. Our community is a better place to live thanks to all these fine people. We can all be proud.
Sea Isle City – Is anyone concerned or suspicious that we are actually spending $1M on lighting? And do we know what company the city has hired to install said lights? Inquiring minds want to know!