To the Editor:
As a full time resident of Avalon, I am offended by the apparent organized campaign by some person or group of people in Avalon writing Spout Offs that appear politically motivated and aimed to insult and discredit our residents, the Borough, elected officials, Avalon Management and Employees.
I believe that public discourse concerning issues is important to our republic at all levels of society. I do not believe that a campaign that misrepresents how a town like Avalon is governed and managed with one line uninformed statements is the proper way for such a debate to take place. I grew up in a city that continues to be mismanaged by the same political organization, so I appreciate the skill and competence it takes for success in the Borough of Avalon and I want to challenge those who are quick to criticize without offering positive ideas.
If there are issues that an individual or a group wishes to raise about my community to a broad public level, they should do so to move the bar forward for resolution and improvement.
On the other hand, if you or your group must manufacture or misrepresent issues for the sake of gaining attention for yourself or for your group because you cannot gain traction with the public at large with your ideas, you should reexamine your strategy. Arguments that the glass is half empty or the sky is falling do not move the ball forward.
If you want to complain about our town governance you should understand that our Borough is regulated under the State Municipalities Code, which is burdensome and complicated to navigate. Like all Federal and state regulations the one size fits all approach is not always the best approach. Avalon elected officials and town management work diligently to provide forward thinking and innovative approaches to facilitate Borough governance by streamlining functions and minimizing cost, which translates to reduced local taxes and improved quality of services.
The Borough is also required to work with Cape May County on issues such as sewage, county roads, law enforcement and numerous other areas of management. Local/county mutual agreements and cooperation make it difficult, at times, to provide immediate responses to local concerns.
In the emergency management area, Avalon has led the county, state and the country with an exemplary program that is now being adopted by many communities. An innovative forward thinking governing body operating in a Federal and state regulatory environment requires lawyers and consultants to navigate through obstacles for local government to achieve the desired goals of its citizens.
There are many examples of Avalon government officials solving problems. One recent example is the “Special Event Rental House.” After study and receiving legal assurance that an ordinance could be sustainable, council passed and enacted an ordinance to protect residents’ rights.
An idea presented to the mayor and council for an innovative way to keep Avalon tax money in the community required withdrawing from the County Library System, which gave birth to the Avalon Free Public Library. The Avalon Library is now only one of three “Five Star Libraries” in the state. As a bonus, the library returned approximately $1.5 million dollars to Borough residents over the past three years through sound financial management.
For Spouters who have legitimate issues for Avalon or Avalon government, bring them forward so there can be honest debate. Two sentence misrepresentations and criticism with no ideas or positive suggestions accomplishes nothing. Avalon is a healthy and vibrant community with dedicated officials and employees always willing to listen, learn and serve.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?