To the Editor:
The new invasion in Iraq caught everyone by surprise. Here’s a summary of events and our policy towards it, and a few questions.
Obama’s main campaign point, besides persecution of Catholic church, was that “al Qaeda was on the run.” They’re not on the run, but they are on the march. ISIS is an al Qaeda splinter group which seeks a worldwide Islamic political state, a caliphate. Obama has six members of another Al Qaeda splinter group, Muslim Brotherhood, which has the same goal, but operate chiefly by infiltrating governments and undermining them from the inside.
ISIS is beheading officers and tweeting photos, and lying bodies in street to intimidate. This group is so vicious that al Qaeda says they have nothing to do with them. The leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was a Gitmo detainee Obama released in 2009 because “he wasn’t so bad.” Many ISIS members were our allies in Syria. ISIS has been confirmed by our military using American weapons given to them by the Obama administration.
On June 14, John Kerry said that America will form an alliance with Iran to fight. Obama said June 13 that we won’t send ground troops into Iraq. On June 15, two U.S. soldiers were killed, the first casualties in Gulf War III and destroyers were sent into the Persian Gulf.
On June 16, Obama reverses his three-day old stance and sends troops in Iraq, without the Congressional approval required by the Constitution and without a coalition. As a senator and presidential candidate, Obama was a nasty critic of President Bush’s decision to put troops in Iraq, though Bush did both.
Obama is apparently reacting to terrorism by ear, on inconsistent whims. Either his advisers are as incompetent as he, or in his arrogance Obama ignores them, or both, which seems most likely.
Here are some questions we all must ask:
1) Was it a good idea for Obama to negotiate with terrorists in violation of the law and our policy? Did releasing five of their worst embolden them?
2) When did Iran become our ally?
3) When did the terrorists we’ve been aiding and arming in Syria and Egypt become our enemies again?
4) Where are the anti-war radicals who were plastered all over the news during Gulf War II? This is not a legitimate action, and if they turn a blind eye, they are hypocrites.
5) Obama’s foreign policy is not just an incoherent disaster; it’s criminal. He has knowingly aided the enemy for too long, and the repercussions have proliferated terrorism throughout the world. Isn’t it time he stepped down for providing insurmountable aid to the enemy and making us more vulnerable to terrorism? Obama will never step down; he’s obsessed with his own power. It’s time for congress to hold impeachment proceedings.
Court House – Trumps people are already out there spouting changes to be made before they are approved. What gives Kennedy the right to ask that polio vaccine be taken off
the market. Glad we are past…