Sunday, December 15, 2024


The First 100 Days

By James Aumack, Cape May

To the Editor: 

Well, a hundred days have passed. In addition to naming new faces to the entire controlling bodies that we call the Government, it continues to be a enormous job.  

It’s not easy to undo what has been done to America during the last four years. This effort alone eats up time and still, there are places that need to be fumigated.  

In addition, the Senate is standing in opposition to everything and anything proposed by the new Administration and this President must work around them to get anything done.  

I’m guessing that most of America is watching very closely and on the next election day, they will voice their opinion very strongly to the opposition.   

Yet, there are things that are getting done despite all of the opposition. The boarder problem continues to exist because everyone seems to want to be here in America. The children that were caged are now being cared for in a humane fashion and they continue to come in droves without regard to any deterrent.  

Living in the third world continues to be a horror because of lack of food, housing, education and medical care. Third world leadership continues to keep the leaders happy and not the people they are suppose to represent. This is out of our control and there is a limit to how we can change this problem without it becoming our problem. We have our own difficult situations.  

The first hundred days have been fruitful in that changes have been made and will continue to be made to support Americans. It’s like a breath of fresh air to understand that every Presidential move is made for the Country. Everything can and will be audited and made public. This alone should make you smile!   

Our last Presidential Office holder’s leadership is a warning to voters to come out to vote and it’s a bad dream best forgotten.  

Spout Off

Sea Isle City – Why are we paying two construction officials hundreds of thousands of salaries and they can’t even have buildings that are destroyed by a fire demolished in a timely manner. It’s been 7 months. We…

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Cape May Point – Jeff Van Drew has gone off the deep end . Sorry Jeff there’s no Iranian ship lurking off our coast.

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Villas – Jason I know you read the spouts ,pass this on to Travis .Tell him to look at what happened to Romo in football after Jessica was done with him. The same thing with wifty swift ,ive been watching…

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