To The Editor:
On March 9, Congress Hall had a Sunday Supper and Old-Timey Hymn Sing. It was a wonderful, spirit filled evening of food and community singing. It is amazing how a simple, old time American tradition, could resonate with so many in our community today. With this event, Curtis Bashaw truly tapped into the emotional center of people, in a deeply meaningful way.
During the evening, a free will collection was taken, to benefit the Community Food Closet of Cape May. We are so grateful to all who were able to donate when the plate was passed. The total came to over $1,200!
Although we get food from the state and federal government, types and amounts of food sent to us are inconsistent and we depend on item donations or monetary donations to purchase what we need. We are amazed and humbled by the generosity demonstrated by those in attendance, for our brothers and sisters who come to the Food Closet.
Thank you for your assistance in serving those in need in our community. Not only do we live in a place with great natural beauty, but it is also a place where great beauty and compassion resides in the hearts of its citizens.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?