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Saturday, October 19, 2024


Return to God

By Keith Mueller, Rio Grande

To the Editor: 

I grew up in the ’50s and ’60s, in Niles, Illinois. My grandparents on my mother’s side were Republican, while my Dad was a Democrat, and my mother was a Republican.  

It seemed like back then it didn’t matter what political party you agreed with. You all got along.  

In fact, Congress argued during the day, at work, and then went out together at night, leaving their differences at the office, I was told.  

Every night, on the news, it talked about the Vietnam War. I don’t remember them saying it was a Democratic or Republican war, rather an American war. 

Today, it seems like the nation is getting deeply divided. We have Maxine Waters telling Americans to get in the face of Republicans who are doing their jobs.  

You have Nancy Pelosi wanting to send money from the relief package to her friends, not to mention defunding the police.  

The Democrats want open borders and to get rid of ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement). In Chicago, near where I grew up, you have over 50 shootings over a weekend. More people are being shot in Chicago than in the military service overseas. 

Fires are being set, cars are being overturned, and windows are being broken all over the nation. Protests for Black Lives Matter continue. What happened to this nation?  

When I went to grade school, we had the Pledge of Allegiance followed by the national anthem and a prayer. They took away prayer. Did they take away the Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem, too? 

I think where this nation started to go wrong was to take God out of our schools. We now are taking Him out of our lives and want everything given to us.  

Let’s work together, not tear each other apart. Respect each other and try to see what your neighbors and friends are going through.  

In 2016, I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton, even though she grew up in the suburbs of Chicago at the same time that I did. I voted for Trump, even though I didn’t like what was being said. I might have voted for Vice President Biden if he ran, in 2016. 

I just wish the Democrats would work with the president and the news would let the American people know what President Trump has actually accomplished. The Democrats moved too far left, with the Green New Deal, plus Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s far-left ideas. 

I am not telling anyone who to vote for. I suggest voting for the person and party that closely resembles the Bible and what it says. We, as a nation, have to turn back to God. 

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