To the Editor:
I am writing this in response to Art Hall’s editorial in the Sept. 7 edition of the Herald. I fully realize Hall is the owner of the publication and a very influential member of this community. Being a resident of this county for 40 years, I also know of Hall’s power, reputation, and Christian beliefs.
Unfortunately, none of these make it appropriate for Hall to make the atrocious generalization he made regarding the Democratic Party.
I am a Democrat and always have been, even after living in this very Republican county. I am also pro-choice and therefore, according to Hall’s insinuation, a murderer on par with the Soviet communists.
Being pro-choice does not mean anti-life, nor does it mean Democrats who believe in a woman’s choice and that agency Hall eluded to, Planned Parenthood, have no morals or compassion.
Hall asked for those who are Democrats to make their voices heard. Well, this Democrat is speaking and has a great concern about the future of this country. I am frightened that people today seem to think it is appropriate to denigrate others who don’t share the same beliefs and opinions as theirs. After reading Hall’s piece it seems he has fallen into that category. Would your God approve of that, mine wouldn’t.
Sea Isle City – I miss the Nativity scene they used to display outside the historic St. Joseph’s church on Landis Avenue! It was a true reminder of the reason for the season!