To the Editor:
I’m writing in response to Art Hall’s statement that Christians are being compelled to endure social conditions that are an affront to their faith. The point I want to make is that in all religions, there are a range of beliefs. The Pope, who I think most will agree is Christian, has stated that global warming is real and is the result of years of human beings burning trillions of tons of fossil fuels. Many Republican politicians who loudly proclaim their Christianity deny it. The Pope has also stated that he will not pass judgement on gay people. On the other hand, Kim Davis, the clerk of courts in a Kentucky town, believes that her version of Christianity gives her the right to not only pass judgement, but also to deny legal rights to gay people. I urge you to think carefully – what would Jesus do? Pass harsh judgement on an oppressed minority and side with the great economic powers, or the opposite?
Some might look at my name and say what right does this guy have to talk to Christians? He’s Jewish. Simons, that’s a Jewish name. Exactly right. And my people are all over the map. I have Jewish friends who live in Florida and Texas and who have nothing but scorn for Barack Obama. In my opinion, Obama’s sense of justice and injustice is right in line with Jewish ethics. And Jewish ethics can be summed up as that which is abhorrent to you, do not do to someone else.
I think Jesus said something like that as well. From Luke 6:37, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned.”
This does not mean that we have no right to construct and enforce laws meant to protect society. It means that justice must be the purpose of law, of government, of all human interaction.
Cape May County – Reading a letter to the editor I was rather appalled that a former teacher thinks she’s doing good by investing and advising illegal immigrants on how to further circumvent the law. A more ethical…