To The Editor:
In the wake of some of the worst winter weather our area has experienced in a generation, I would like to take this time to thank the many people in Wildwood Crest who truly exemplified why this is such a great community.
As many of you may know, an emergency shelter was set up at the Wildwood Crest Volunteer Fire Department to house dozens of Wildwood Crest residents who lost electrical and/or heating power at their homes. The members of the Wildwood Crest Fire Company, its Ladies Auxiliary, the Wildwood Crest Rescue Squad and a handful of other people in the community donated hours of their time to volunteer and staff the facility during this time in an attempt to make those housed at the shelter feel as comfortable and as welcomed as possible and provide any needed medical care. They are all true beacons of their community and their efforts are truly appreciated.
I’d also like to mention and give recognition to the many area businesses who donated food and supplies to our emergency shelter: Fitzpatrick’s Crest Tavern, Carini’s Restaurant, Walgreen’s, Lehigh Valley Dairy, Domino’s Pizza, Wawa, Acme Market, Water’s Edge Motel, Reges Motel, Wildwood Linen and Wildwood Crib Rental displayed their true commitment to their community with their gracious and thoughtful donations.
In addition, I would be remiss if I did not note the extraordinary work put forth by the many Borough of Wildwood Crest employees. From the Department of Public Works, which worked virtually around the clock in an attempt to make our roads passable and safe, to the police department, which dutifully provided transportation for the many residents who needed to be evacuated from their homes due to loss of power, and responded to scores of other storm-related issues, and many other employees throughout the borough who went above and beyond the call of duty by pitching in as needed during this difficult time, they should all be commended for their fine and dedicated work.
Special mention also needs to be given to Atlantic Electric. At a time when much of their system of providing power to our community was decimated, Atlantic Electric sent scores of its own workers, with outstanding support from other energy companies across the region as well, in an around-the-clock effort to restore power to the community as quickly and as safely as possible.
I’d also like to thank the Cape May County Office of Emergency Management and the local chapter of the American Red Cross as well as the employees of the Wildwoods Convention Center for their efforts in setting up a super shelter at the Wildwoods Convention Center that helped served the many displaced members of the entire Wildwoods community.
The winter weather was of a magnitude this area hasn’t experienced in decades. Despite the many challenges and adversity we all faced during this difficult time, our community stepped up and aided one another beautifully.
It is for these reasons and more that I am extremely proud to serve the Borough of Wildwood Crest.
Chief of Police
Borough of Wildwood Crest
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