To the Editor:
I am writing this letter to remind all Republican voters in Cape May County that on Tuesday, June 8…they can regain control of their party. They can take their party from a small group of individuals who put their self-interests before theirs. They can dismiss the closed door, backroom deals that have been cut by GOP Chairman David Von Savage. They can also eliminate the job-threatening, intimidating phone calls.
I strongly believe that the Republican ticket of Freeholder Gerald Thornton and Susan Sheppard is the right choice in the upcoming Republican primary. Gerry and Susan are independent thinkers, hard workers, and people of character. They deserve our support.
I also believe that this election will also show that Republicans are fed up with Von Savage’s nomination of hand-picked candidates through a flawed nomination process that is only used here in Cape May County. Elsewhere Republican committee people cast their endorsement votes for candidates privately, with independent thought.
Not in Cape May County. Von Savage’s crew twists arms behind committee people’s backs in order to ‘earn’ their vote for his hand-picked cronies. If he doesn’t get his way, the jobs of hard working public servants are threatened, and in Lower Township, Dennis Township and Middle Township’s case, dedicated committee people are removed like they never existed. Is this a fair way to select candidates to represent you in government?
Enough is enough. It’s time for Republicans to take their party back. Restore a fair and open process where candidates are selected on their merits, and not by secret deals to advance the agendas of a select few. I encourage every Republican voter in Cape May County to be heard on June 8. Take the first step towards getting your party back by rejecting Von Savage’s cronies and supporting the ticket of Gerry Thornton and Sue Sheppard.
(ED. NOTE: Pagliughi is mayor of Avalon.)
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?