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Monday, September 9, 2024


Is It Time for a New Political Party?

By Bill Haines, Court House

To the Editor:  

In the 1960 Presidential election, John Kennedy Said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” That was the first and last time I attended a political rally and put a political sign on my lawn.  

When was the last time you heard any Democratic politician talk about “The American Dream?”  

It is my opinion that the Democratic Party has become a party of elitism. A don’t do as I do, do as I tell you Party. A Party that believes the Constitution is no longer relevant. A Party that doesn’t believe in the separation of powers. Members of Congress who openly express that we don’t have to follow the decision of the Supreme Court. A Party who is trying to rewrite the history of the United States. 

Current polls indicate that “we the people” of the United States don’t think the Democrats are leading the country in the right direction. The present administration takes no responsibility for the malaise the country is feeling today. The Afghan debacle, inflation, the border crisis, rise in crime, concerned parents being labeled domestic terrorists, the gasoline fiasco, all can be traced back to the ineptitude of the present regime. It’s not just the Federal Government. Some cities and states governed by Democrats have chosen to not enforce the law. Elected Prosecutors refuse to prosecute. 

Locally, my biggest concern is what they did to Rep. Jeff Van Drew. After more than twelve years a Democrat was elected to represent our second Congressional District. He had the audacity to cast a meaningless vote against the impeachment of Donald Trump. The Democratic Party refused to back him. The message was clear. You better do what the Party says or we’ll try to destroy your political career. Fortunately, Jeff Van Drew ran as a Republican in 2020 and won.  

In 1991, Neil Howe and William Strauss published Generations: The History of America’s Future, 1584 – 2069. They looked at America’s history and determined each generation in our history fell into one of four identifiable types, occupying in predictable order, with predictable characteristics.  

In the book they noted that the last time our country was in a “crisis period” was the Civil War. They predicted that the country would be in a “crisis period” now. I agree with the authors.  

The last significant new political party was formed in 1854. The Republican Party was formed by former members of the Whig Party and Free Soil Democrats. The Whig Party was the main rival of the Democratic Party. The Republican Party was anti-slavery. They wanted all new states coming into the Union to be Free States. Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860. The Thirteenth Amendment, which bans slavery, was ratified in 1864.  

Now, it’s up to us. We either vote them out of office or maybe form a new political party. Free States was the rallying cry for Republicans. Now, perhaps Law and Order or Limited Terms for Congress could rally a new party. How does two terms for the Senate and six terms for the House sound to you? 

– Bill Haines, Court House

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