To The Editor:
Nice people are all around us and I didn’t even know it. I was on a routine training bicycle ride southbound on Route 9 on May 26, at about 5 p.m. Sharing the road with me were busy folks driving home from work. Little did I know how much I would need their help.
One minute I’m biking on a smooth road shoulder at about 20 mph and in a fraction of a second, my bike fails and I’m thrown to the roadway. My head, protected by a helmet, bounces off the road and I come quickly to a stop.
Although I can’t move very well, complete strangers assisting me in every way possible quickly surround me. I’m told not to move, help is on the way. Calls are made alerting my wife at home and to doctors at the hospital. Prayers are said with and for me at the accident site. Lots of blood is washed from my face and I’m placed in a neck brace and laid onto a stretcher.
After a short ambulance ride, it’s onto a helicopter for a fast trip to the AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center. It all happened so fast; just a fast as the healing of my injuries and broken bones. The only thing is I never got to say thanks to the doctors, EMTs and all those wonderful people who helped me out on Route 9. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
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