To The Editor:
Do not demolish Cape May Solarium. This building was rebuilt in 1993 at a cost of under $400,000. It was a combined effort of the city council and members of the public to save this structure. It has proved very beneficial, both as a revenue producer and facility for all members of the public to enjoy.
Now our present city council wants to tear it down to allow a larger, new convention hall to be built. Why destroy a building that is functional and paid for? A new convention hall should be built on the existing footprint, possibly with a second floor which would not involve CAFRA delays or restrictions.
Also, city council must be careful to stay within their approved budget of $10.5 M. The new plan, scheme No. 6 may not stay within this budget. To demolish this solarium is a total waste of taxpayer dollars.
I urge all Cape May voters, residents and taxpayers to speak out. Tell our elected city officials to not demolish or remove this important structure. We, the public, are paying for this project and we do not want to delay it any longer. Do the right thing; stay within your budget, move quickly and do not destroy an existing structure.
Cape May
(ED. NOTE: W. G. Gaffney was a councilman with Mayor Bob Elwell and Councilman Joe Fox in 1993)
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?