To The Editor:
Congratulations to all on the group of Cape Issues. We need more of this type of big picture, forward-thinking, fact-based, solutions-oriented people to help lead in Cape May County.
As data has shown spending and taxes have grown at an unsustainable rate. This upward spiral must not be allowed to continue if we hope to have a viable county that has a good quality of life. I support their concept of establishing a goal to reduce total countywide governmental expenditures by 2 percent annually. There are many areas to economize.
What is needed now is to get all our elected officials to buy into this goal and develop specific action plans to accomplish this goal, help and support those who do and replace those that don’t.
I urge the Herald to continue to frequently publish information on the fine work of the Cape Issues group.
Stone Harbor
Cape May County – Reading a letter to the editor I was rather appalled that a former teacher thinks she’s doing good by investing and advising illegal immigrants on how to further circumvent the law. A more ethical…