To the Editor:
Much has been made about the vast experience Hillary Clinton has gained over the past 40 years in public life. Her resume looks impressive but one may want to look a bit deeper into what actually was accomplished over those 40 years.
As the wife of former President Bill Clinton, there are two situations that come to my mind.
First was her effort in 1993, as an unelected individual, to lead the effort to totally transform our health care system into a government-run, socialized medical program known as “Hillarycare.” That failed in 1994.
The second issue was when Hillary Clinton, with full knowledge of President Bill Clinton’s sexual, predatory behavior for years, lied on television about those episodes and tried to destroy the lives of the women involved. Perhaps her judgment here could be questioned.
After leaving the White House in 2001, Hillary Clinton ran for and was elected senator for New York. In eight years, she sponsored three bills that became law. One designated a historic site, one renamed a Post Office and one renamed a highway. So much for the vast experience gained as a senator.
As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton set up a private, unsecured email server in her home, sent and received countless classified messages, directed staffers to remove classified headers in some instances and then lied continuously about it to Congress and the American people.
As Secretary of State, she and her department failed to provide the security necessary to protect the lives of her Ambassador Ted Stevens, and three other men who were killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack.
Requests for additional security had been made but were repeatedly denied. Messages she sent that evening to her daughter and the Egyptian prime minister proves she knew this was a terrorist attack. She then lied to the families of the four dead Americans when their bodies were returned to Andrews Joint Air Force Base and she continued to lie to the American people for weeks after.
Wouldn’t anyone with just a hint of common sense and sound judgment increase security on the anniversary of Sept. 11, especially where an ambassador is concerned?
In 2011, Hillary Clinton was the driving force in backing the rebels in Libya in what came to be known as the “Arab Spring.” That led to the murder of Moammar Kaddafi and as a result that country has been in a civil war now for five years.
Hillary Clinton backed the Iranian “nuclear deal” guaranteeing Iran a nuclear weapon in the future. It also freed up about $150 billion to be used however Iran wishes.
As the number one state sponsor of terror in the world, you can be assured some of that money will be used to kill Americans or anyone else who disagrees with their terrorist ideology.
Hillary Clinton proudly touts, however, her visit to 112 countries and flying hundreds of thousands of miles during her tenure.
According to Aaron David Miller, who negotiated Middle East peace for five presidents and is now a scholar at the Wilson Center, says in making a case for cautious Clinton – “explains partly why she didn’t own a single issue of consequence.”
Hillary’s performance summed up by the American Enterprise Institutes’ Danielle Pletka is “unwillingness to take risks, unwillingness to lead, willingness to stab a lot of people in the back. And dead people.”
Pletka’s broader view of Hillary Clinton’s record is a harsher version of what is heard from many Democrats: “the Washington consensus is that she was enormously ineffective …”
Experience? In some cases, meaningless. Good judgment or lack thereof? Immensely important.
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