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Thursday, October 17, 2024


Cuba: The Great American Hypocrisy

By Bertram Halbruner, Woodbine

To the Editor:
I was 2 years old when U.S. embargo of Cuba began. I am approaching 62. In nearly 60 years this embargo has accomplished absolutely nothing with respect to its intended purpose. 
Initiated as a means of inciting revolt by the Cuban people to overthrow Fidel Castro, it failed miserably. U.S. officials had believed that by imposing the embargo, Cuban people would grow weary of shortages and economic hardships brought on by it. 
As a result, the Cuban people would rise up and overthrow Castro’s Communist dictatorship. Well, we all know that never happened. 
Let us face facts, the vast majority of Cubans who remember a pre-Castro Cuba are long since dead. Those alive today know nothing other then the Communist rule and economic hardships that exist there today. 
The embargo is of no inspiration to them to do anything against the Cuban government. They know no other lifestyle. So what are we accomplishing by keeping it enforce? Nothing. 
Because of this embargo, American citizens are forbidden to travel to Cuba, except for very, very limited reasons. 
Buying Cuban products, even while visiting nations where they are legal, is considered “trading with the enemy” and punishable by massive fines and/or prison terms. 
Being on a foreign-registered cruise ship you can buy Cuban items, like cigars once outside of U.S. waters. Doing so, however, is still a crime for American citizens. Almost every other nation on earth, including our allies, have no such restrictions, only Americans.
Now, let us look at this in respect to the reasons Cuba is off-limits. First, it is a Communist nation. Secondly, there are many civil rights issues such as political prisoners and such. Third, a government-controlled news, elections, and so on. Very much the opposite of the freedoms we have and enjoy in America. 
Obviously not what we would endorse as acceptable. No argument from me. With this in mind I ask: If these are our reasons for maintaining the embargo, why do we not do this with every other Communist nation on earth? Why only Cuba?
The U.S. maintains diplomatic, travel, and trade relations with almost every Communist nation on earth. We trade freely with China, where civil rights violations are everyday practice. 
Do we remember tanks running over protesters in the 80s? Do we remember Soviet labor camps in Russia? Do we remember 58,000 dead Americans fighting the Communists in Vietnam? 
Every reason we have for maintaining the Cuban embargo, exists in all of these nations and we maintain normal relations with them. Total hypocrisy. 
The Cuban embargo serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, except to court contributions by politicians from Cuban dissidents living in America. 
 Perhaps Americans traveling to Cuba and interacting with Cubans, flooding Cuba with much sought after American tourist dollars would have the desired result. When this generation of Cubans gets a taste of American wealth and freedom, they may be encouraged to change things. 
The old saying is often true: “you catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar.” Americans should have the right to choose for themselves if they want to visit Cuba, buy Cuban products, and so on. 
Obviously, after 60 years the embargo is useless. It has only harmed the Cuban people, not the Communist regime. It denies Americans the right to travel, engage in commerce, and experience the Cuban culture and people. Yet we can freely do all these things with other Communist nations. The embargo, the policies, and restrictions are nothing more than hypocrisy in its purest form. End it now.

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