To The Editor:
On Sat. Oct. 2, I attended the One Nation Working Together March in solidarity at the Nation’s CapitAl in order to protect our jobs, education and our economy, along with 10 other local people. One of the ladies in attendance was accompanied by her two little granddaughters, another, two teenagers. This multicultural event represented every state in coming together for the purpose of building up our communities, and what each of us can do.
Sunny and warm, as I stood and looked at the thousands of people who were all around me, listening to the speakers, young and old, reading the many signs, talking to others about our hope for the future of this nation, generations to come, it reminded me of what still is lax here in my community, a union built on working together for all the people.
If thousands of strangers can rally on behalf for some of us, why is it so hard for people who know one another?
When I speak about my community, I speak about Cape May County. We have become so divided based on denominations, political parties, self-elevation that key issues become nothing but a way in pulling people in, then it stops without any real assurance that the concerns of the people are priority. You have the right to assemble with what fits you best, that’s not my problem, the problem, we stay inside the box, not stepping out, afraid of doing things differently, complacent is stagnate. This county has the opportunity to become a model for others to see how we all can sit at the table and come to agreement when addressing the issues of the people, with accountability and substance, because clearly the old way is Babylon, (ignorance or insensitivity to the suffering that can be created — my opinion), the voice of the people are just in what is needed and our leaders have to be open and readily available to listen.
This county is full of individuals who are ready and willing to help in the struggles that people are facing daily, childcare, employment, housing, profiling, and education, if given the opportunity. Open those closed doors and let people in, be open to opinions, ideas, criticism, because the problems facing this world are right here and just maybe by opening those doors what is lacking will become plentiful.
There’s a new call for the voice of the people, I have heard your concerns, solutions, others should too, don’t be afraid to speak out, if they listen and pretend to care, that’s okay, if they don’t, that’s okay too. I’m optimistic about my community whether I choose to stay here or not. I am assured about this one fact, if I continue to look at the way things are in the natural; I will never see the possible.
Cape May – The number one reason I didn’t vote for Donald Trump was January 6th and I found it incredibly sad that so many Americans turned their back on what happened that day when voting. I respect that the…