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Sunday, October 20, 2024


A Political Scandal

By Thomas Nickelson, Avalon

To the Editor:
Obama is the most divisive, destructive, and lawless president that the American people have ever encountered. Whatever lawlessness he accuses anybody else of doing, there is a high probability that he has already done it. It’s called projection.
He weaponized his FBI, his intelligence agencies, and his Department of “Justice” in order to spy upon, undermine, and ultimately remove a candidate and duly elected president of the U.S. All of the chaos, pain, and misery that Obama and the people who run the Democrat Party have inflicted upon the American people, for almost four years, were done to cover up this historic scandal.
The end game of these arrogant, condescending, ruthless, and who think we’re stupid people is that the fundamental transformation of our nation is a euphemism for “burn her down.” I have also written before that a major strategy of the Democrat Party is to take advantage of any crisis in order to further their destructive agenda.
The most recent crisis/tragedy is the murder of George Floyd. The protests over the horrendous murder of George Floyd are clearly justified (this bad cop deserves to get the death penalty); however, the rioting, destruction, looting, and chaos we have witnessed over the last few weeks in our major cities is not.
It is a real world example of a Hobbesian portrayal of life outside of a civil society – where life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” It is destroying the lives of the same people who legitimate protestors and civilized people want to protect.
People don’t burn down their own neighborhoods. It will take decades for most of those districts to recover, leaving many of those residents, who really need police protection, in a worse situation than before.
How many businesses will be able to recover, and out of that number, how many will want to remain? Their departure will leave these most vulnerable of our citizens lacking the basic necessities of life.
Politically motivated outside forces like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (people who claim that white Americans have racism in their DNA) took advantage of this crisis in order to advance their agenda, help cover up the worst political scandal in American history, and help Democrat mayors in major cities cover up decades of failing their citizens. Don’t let them succeed.
Please don’t blame our police for this lawlessness. Our nation wants and needs their protection. They need our support more than ever.
The overwhelming numbers of them are good and courageous people, but police chiefs and mayors know who the bad apples are and they must find a way to get rid of them, whatever it takes.
Be unwilling to allow the worst and the worthless to sadden you.

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