To The Editor:
This is in response to the letter in the April 13th edition, written by a former 1970’s mayor of Lower Township, Jack Sparks. In his letter he insults the Lower Township Taxpayers Association, myself and other officers of the LTTA, Mayor Mike Beck and the Herald newspaper.
I believe the LTTA is accomplishing positive things in questioning and bringing issues to the residents. As a former member of the LTTA, he joined our non-political organization. He, above all, knows our goal was to help the residents (all the residents, not just those born and raised here) by being a “watchdog organization” on how much taxes are raised and how the revenue is spent. We never claimed to speak for everyone in Lower Township, as Sparks said, but much in the same way as he frequently speaks to council for all the poor children living in poverty in Lower Township, we too, speak for their poverty- stricken parents, the poor elderly and the many people working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. We do this so they continue to provide a roof over their heads and provide for their poor children. Lower Township is one of the poorest townships in this state.
Numerous times Sparks states “this is my town.” The town belongs to everybody who lives here. Times aren’t like when he was a sleepy town mayor back in the 70s, when the population was a small amount of people who were born here and the majority of the homes were for summer vacation.
Sparks was campaign manager for the two Independent candidates, Mayor Mike Beck and Deputy Mayor Kevin Lare. Remember his campaign slogans? “Not political parties, but dedicated people!” “Most Open Government in NJ.” Now Sparks and the deputy mayor are both Republicans — so much for “Not political parties” and the “most Open Government in NJ.” That went out the door last year with his Independent status.
Does Sparks really believe that with a population of 23,000, the 1,772 voters in November speak for all the residents? Does he think council member Conrad, Ward 1, who only received 805 votes, (45.4 percent of the total votes) speaks for the 9,000 Ward 1 residents? That is about 8.8 percent of the residents.
As far as my comments on teachers’ salary, the school board and the NJ education system, Gov. Chris Christie reflects my opinion, as does other states’ governors, the news media and even our president.
I am a little surprised at Spark’s attack on the taxpayers association; since he is a member of the “Cape Issues Group” who provides information to the people so they can ask questions of their elected officials. He doesn’t like taxpayers associations and he doesn’t like people asking questions of their elected officials. Maybe he shouldn’t be in that group. And maybe on his next trip to Florida he should just stay there. The LTTA will still be here for the people.
(ED. NOTE: Butler is president of the Lower Township Taxpayers Association.)
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