To the Editor:
Will the world continue to exist should people like Putin and Trump stay alive? These people are autocrats, as were Hitler and Stalin and some others of their ilk. What they want is always something for themselves at the expense of others.
A possible example for each could be the following. Putin – look at Ukraine. Why? Similar to Putin is Trump and he could attack a place like Georgia. Both areas are similar to what autocrats do for themselves. Their countries are nuclear powers and are to be feared. Each supports one another and will go to any length to utilize that.
Allow me to ask the following: Why do many in the psychotic and psychological communities label these two as problematic? Many say psychotic, others say neurotic and still others say and have descriptions like Mary Trump (PhD-cert psychoanalyst).
Unfortunately, we must live with what we have and what we know. Supposedly, it’s a free world and the future will bring what it will; however, our future is tentative. May God bless us as a world.
Cape May County – All the spouting and you didn’t change the world a single bit. Weeek after week year after year. Not a single thing. Please moderator your authority is nonsense and don’t leave a note I don’t want to…