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Monday, October 21, 2024


Vaccinations Have Risks

By Katie Sarnoff, Vineland

To the Editor:
This letter is in response the Feb. 12 “Oversimplification of Vaccine Bill” letter by Gail Pfeifer.
Sen. Michael Testa was accused of not doing “due diligence” on bill S2173. Pfeifer’s explanation indicated her understanding of what this bill would do and the link provided was not the entire picture of this bill.
It appears she did not do her due diligence in following this bill language including the multiple amendments that were made from the time it was introduced up until January 2020. It is unfortunate that she not only spread this misinformation to the public, but also undermined our senator who could not be more educated on vaccines.
He is quite intelligent and more than capable of reading and interpreting complicated language and was extremely well versed on exactly what both S2173 and A3818 would do.
As an attorney, Testa understands that one must get a warrant in order to pierce someone’s skin to do a blood test, in order to determine if someone is under the influence in the case of a motor vehicle accident, and he understands further that it would be even more of a violation to be forced, without consent, to not only have one’s skin pierced but to have something injected into the bloodstream that comes with risk of injury and death, as stated in the manufacturer’s inserts.
 At present the government has paid out over $4.2 billion due to vaccine injury and death. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) only represents an estimated 1-10% of the injuries and death that have occurred as a result of vaccines.
 I appreciate that Pfeifer admits that no medical treatment is risk-free, but to say that these risks are unfounded and exaggerated is a slap in the face to someone who has lost a child or who has a child who suffers with a life-long disability as a result of vaccinations.
It shows a complete lack of knowledge and understanding as well as compassion as to what parents of injured children are faced with on a daily basis.
There is no greater good. There are individual children who should be treated as such. There are parents who each have the ultimate right and responsibility to protect their children from disease, from toxins in the environment, from the government.
No one knows a child like a parent does. No one knows the family history, genetics, risk factors for a child when it comes to vaccines, like a parent/ guardian and the doctor that they choose to trust. Many underlying factors in a child’s DNA can play a factor in vaccine injury such as mitochondrial dysfunction or MTHFR variants, to name two examples.
Vaccinating children who have certain underlying genetic variants could be catastrophic. Not to mention, vaccine inserts themselves state over 400 chronic illnesses that can occur as an adverse reaction to vaccines, including death.
Many SIDS cases correlate to the timing of vaccines. Our children are sicker than they ever have been with illnesses listed in the inserts of a vaccine.
There are no carcinogenic, mutagenic or infertility studies done on vaccines and yet childhood cancer is at an all-time high.
Parents must take responsibility and research beyond what they can learn in a pediatrician’s office. Every parent should have a choice to decide what is best for their child.
The government has no place in this decision, nor will it be liable when injury occurs, thanks to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

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