To the Editor:
I am writing in response to the reader who wrote that Sen. Michael Testa stated an oversimplification of the vaccine bill. There is nothing simple about this bill. There are complicated statistics on both sides of the spectrum. The crux of the matter is a parent’s right to choose what they feel is best for their child.
I believe that Testa has the best interest of his constituents at heart. He is well informed and well-spoken. I am thankful that we have someone like him to stand up to big government.
I believe that the political posturing spoken of in the letter is performed by Senate President Stephen Sweeney and his ilk, who believe that government knows what is best for each individual, and is determined to be sure that we all toe the mark.
As far as the public’s health and safety are concerned, if all but one child in a classroom is vaccinated and that unvaccinated child becomes ill, where is the threat to those vaccinated? Also, vaccines administered from live viruses can render the child contagious from two to three weeks.
In deciding not to vaccinate, a parent knows the risks and weighs them against the risk of vaccines. This is their right, to do what they know in their heart is best for their precious child. It is also their right because of religious beliefs not to vaccinate with substances made from aborted fetal cells.
The risks of vaccinations are all too real. Deaths have been attributed to the rigorous schedule of vaccinations for babies.
The high instances of autism, food allergies, asthma, autoimmune disease, and cancer have been linked to vaccines. For this reason, there is an exemption in the bill to allow the siblings of an already vaccination injured child to forego said vaccinations, thus admitting that vaccine injuries occur.
This is an insert from the MMR vaccine:
One of the side effects listed is death, but it doesn’t happen that often, so take a chance with your child.
The writer cites the inaccurate information concerning harmful vaccinations on the internet and social media, yet directs us to a webpage of her choosing to dispute these facts. She also directs us to government-sponsored websites, and not those presented by independent studies.
Once we lose the right to choose, other vaccines will be mandatory and the scope of those required to be vaccinated will increase.
Thank you, Sen. Testa, for protecting our rights, and especially the rights of our children.
Cape May County – I’d like to suggest to the Herald that they leverage spout offs draw and replace some of the ads for their paper with a few paid ads that you probably can charge a little extra for. Lots of people…