Thursday, December 12, 2024


Speaking in the Light – 5-12

By Pastor Rudy

Play Through Me Lord!
Every thought and belief in our mind leads us to some sort of action… What kind of “action figure” are you today? It is kind of an intriguing thought, isn’t it? I bet you never saw yourself as a super hero, but in reality every one us has the potential to be a mentor to someone in a positive fashion.
And don’t tell me that you aren’t participating in my little game because even a decision to not get involved is still an active statement that you choose to bury your talents and hide your light under a bushel rather than allow it to shine. I am convinced that the world we live in is still not as bright as the Lord intended it to be. Why are you walking around living like a 25-watt bulb, when you were designed to empower a city on a hill?
Too many of us are caught on the hamster wheel of life, running and staying busy, without ever really knowing that all we are doing is spinning our wheels and taking another lap around a giant circle. God made us for so much more than this. God created you so that your contribution to the human race would inspire others to run with fervor and chutzpah.
You are not an island. but a state in a union that needs unity to thrive. Stop living like you don’t matter to anyone else. The real deal is that if you don’t show up with your instrument, humbly willing to offer your best, then life’s symphony is going to end up a few notes short of it ever being the masterpiece that our Heavenly Composer conducted it to be.
If I get weary of watching wasted gifts never opened by the receiver, just think how God feels because He is the one who gave them so graciously and abundantly in the first place.
Are you willing to catch the right Spirit so that you can soar rather than sputter? There is nothing worse than building a brand new kite and not having any wind to see it fly. We do our best to put something together so that we may cast it up to the heavens, but we still need another source to get it airborne.
May I challenge you to maybe think about the possibility of reinvesting your life to a different spirit, like, The Holy Spirit? Many times in Scripture, the Holy Spirit is illustrated to us as the rushing wind that blows through the staleness of this earth and brings in a new and exhilarating vision and purpose.
Remember how cold it was this winter? Remember that we experienced two blizzards in one week? Remember how wonderful it was when spring finally appeared and we were able to open our windows and let the new life in?
This is what we need to do with the buildings of our lives. We have depended too long on our own ingenuity to make happen what it is incapable of performing. We offer our best to God and then His Spirit blows through and into inanimate objects and us and become living beings.
Open the window of your heart and let the Spirit in. Let Him get rid of the baggage that is weighing you down and let Him open your eyes to the ways that He longs to raise you up to become more than you can be in your own ability. Every one of you reading this today has been equipped by your Maker to be remarkable “action figures.” But if you don’t know that you were fearfully and wonderfully made, you will never believe that you were designated by Glory to be a difference maker and not just a spectator.
God wants to blow open the doors of your old house and get busy in reconstructing who you are, and who you were meant to be and that happens when you allow yourself to be under new management, under His management. It’s time to get God to raise your roof so that together with Him, you can experience some exciting inaugural stories added to your monument. He’s going to lift you higher.
I want to close today by pointing you to a beautiful fact in nature, which has its spiritual parallels. There is no music as heavenly as that of an Aeolian harp. This harp is nothing but a set of musical cords arranged in harmony, and then left to be touched by the unseen fingers of the wandering winds. As the breath of heaven floats over the chords, it is said that notes almost divine float out upon the air, as if a choir of angels were wandering around and touching the strings.
It is possible to keep our hearts so open to the touch of the Holy Spirit that He can play upon them at will. As we quietly wait in the pathway of His service, again and again the touch of Hands unseen will wake the echoes, and the heavenly song will spring within the depths of our being, and we shall wonder at our strange gladness. And others too will want to know where are these contagious melodies coming from?
And you can point them to the real secret of your beauty. It is not a cape or a costume or a pill or a phone booth. The Aeolian harp playing inside of you has come because your heart has been wholly consecrated, surrendered and attuned to God, and under the touch and breathing of the Holy Spirit, new life is in the atmosphere.
This is what it means in Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing.” My prayer is that there will be “action figures” singing the songs hand crafted by God filling the air all over the place today and the days to come. “Play through me Lord, for I am honored to be an instrument in your orchestra.
Write Pastor Rudy

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