Jesus said that unless we capture some of the wonder and simplicity of little children, we would absolutely miss the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus implied that the miracles of God could be staring adults right in the face, but because of the tendency for we grown ups to be preoccupied by the mundane that we more often than not miss the magic – instead of celebrating the happenings of God – we end up crying out with dumbfounded expressions, “What happened?”
Little ones have the ability to believe with all of their hearts what they may not necessarily be able to see with their eyes. Faith comes easier for them than it does for us. Kids bring an innocence to the table that we adults have not taken care of and lost somewhere on the journey and unfortunately we have never been able to get it back.
We have replaced it with a negative cynicism and that acts more like an acid to our spirit rather than an anesthetic. Still, God in his yearning to want to restore in us a pure heart has given us the gift of children because He knows that they have the potential to renew a positive optimism in even the most desolate of souls.
God hit me with the truth of how powerful a message that these little ones can send to us clueless humans in these aging bodies about a week and a half ago.
It was about 6:30 in the morning and I came out of my bedroom to find my youngest son Joel sitting on the sofa and watching television in the living room. He’s all of two-and-a half years old and he was engrossed in the program with the big purple singing dinosaur. I just happened to plop myself on the couch beside of him and proceeded to put my arm around him and pull him close to me. Joel immediately perked up with an uncontrolled exuberance and in an expression of pure delight said to me, “You sit back Daddy? You sit back with me?”
I was telling my son at that moment just by the way I sat myself down next to him that Joel had his Daddy all to himself and I was sticking around just to be with him.
Now Joel is not even three years old, and yet he was already wise enough to know that his Daddy does not normally sit back very often – if at all. Usually his Daddy is sitting on the edge of his seat ready to move on to whatever is next because way too often his Daddy is missing the present moment because of a pressing future appointment.
But if I had any evidence of a brain actually being in my head – I would not be in a hurry that morning. And when I realized what was happening and what I was actually communicating to my son just by the way I was sitting and what my son was communicating to me by his absolute pleasure in him just being with me – there was no way I was leaving that spot.
And even though about a million things I had to do tried to suffocate that commitment I had just made to be still and stay sitting there and even though I had no interest whatsoever in what Barney was singing to me – I would have been a complete fool if I made a conscious decision to miss the magic in that moment where God was using a little child to teach me an invaluable adult lesson – and that was slow down Rudy and smell the rose I have planted right under your nose – right now.
And a little child led me to remember that sometimes love sits. Sometimes the most aggressive thing I can do is nothing. And I heard God say to me, “Rudy, I know you love me but sometimes I need you to come with no other agenda other than just to be with me.
I want you to sit with me the very same way you are sitting today with Joel. I need you to be willing to give me your entire self and just sit back and don’t be in a hurry to move on to what’s next when the real miracle is in the what’s happening now. Make what’s now – being with Me – the most important thing you could possibly do.”
Maybe I need to give that little song Barney sings to us at the end of his show a little more credit than I want to.
“I love you. You love me. We’re a happy family. With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. Won’t you say you love me too?”
Thanks Joel for being a better preacher than your Daddy is. Thank you Lord for loving us enough that we are never too old or never too far gone that You won’t still invite us to climb up on Your lap and learn what this life is really all about – if we will only take the time and make the time to do so.
I encourage all of you my readers to just sit back and do just that- today.
Pastor Rudy invites you to share with him some of the ways that God has used children to teach you some life lessons. You can email him at pastorrudytlc@ or write him at The Lighthouse Church, PO Box 1026, Rio Grande NJ, 08242.
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