Strathmere on Aug. 14. Located in Marmora, the parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe united St. Casimir Church of Woodbine and the Church of the Resurrection in Marmora into one new parish in 2012. Father Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish priest, who “devoted his life to caring for those neglected.” He had been imprisoned in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp and suffered “a martyr’s death by taking the place of another prisoner.” Fr. Kolbe was killed in Auschwitz on Aug. 14, 1941.
A huge number of people attended the Mass celebrated by Monsignor Peter Joyce, Pastor, which was followed by the Blessing of the Sea ceremony. Mayor Richard Palombo of Upper Township read a proclamation declaring Aug. 14 as “St. Maximilian Kolbe Day.” Mayor Palombo commented that “we are so fortunate to have a leader with such spiritual devotion and, more importantly, he grew up in Upper Township. He knows the parish as his family.”
A catered cookout on the beach followed the celebration.
Some of the organizations, groups, and ministries in St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish include two Councils (and a Women’s Auxiliary) of the Knights of Columbus, a Saint Vincent de Paul Society which serves the community and cosponsors a GED Program, two Food Pantries, a Parish Thrift Shop, participation in Family Promise, Parish Nurses, and many other groups. For a complete list, visit the website at or call 390-0664. The Church is located at 200 Tuckahoe Rd. in Marmora.
The 215th Anniversary and the 35th Anniversary – This year marks the 215th anniversary of Upper Township and also the 35th anniversary of the Historical Preservation Society of Upper Township (HPSUT). To commemorate the occasions, the Township Committee and the Historical Society have joined together to produce a DVD, The History of Upper Township and Its Villages.
Narrated by townspeople, it includes photographs, music, documents, artifacts, maps, personalities, etc. The premier of the video will take place at the anniversary celebration on Sept. 10 at the Upper Township Community Center at 7 p.m. The Center is located on Rt. 50 in Tuckahoe.
Mayor’s Labor Day Race – The 5 mile beach run and l mile fun run/walk takes place on Sept. 2 at the 23rd St. Beach in Ocean City. For complete race details, visit, click on the Recreation tab, Race Event, and then Mayor’s Labor Day Race, or call 525-9317.
Ocean City Regional Chamber of Commerce Monthly Membership Meeting – New Jersey’s Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno will be the guest speaker on Sept. 5, at noon, at the OC Yacht Club, l Bay Road. The lunch is $25 and is open to the community. Reservations must be made in advance by calling 399-1412 or emailing
For a complete list of upcoming events in the county go to the Herald calendar, in print and online, at
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Lower Township – Liberals who have been wrong about everything will be happy to know that the documents taken from Mar-a-Lago have been returned to President Trump and are back where they belong. If there were any…