As we head towards the end of the year it’s good to see that quality fish, namely blackfish, are being caught. Occasionally a keeper sea bass is being caught amongst the tog while stripers are mentioned here and there, but without any consistency. Trips that recently targeted sea bass ended successfully, but those are special trips that you’ll need to call ahead for so you can reserve a seat. There is now one less boat to fish on as their season came to a close, but others are still plowing ahead. Let’s check out the recent action and also remember that the holiday season is straight ahead on the wheelhouse compass.
It’s now official. The Sea Star III has officially wrapped up their 2022 season. They finished up a little early this year so Captain Chuck and crew could get started on some “projects” on the boat. Hopefully, they won’t be working too hard and will enjoy their well-deserved break. With the need to end early this year, the Sea Star III only sailed once this past week. They sailed to the local reefs for blackfish and finished with a “good number” of nice blackfish. A good amount of shorts also contributed to the action and provided some good practice for when the bigger fish decided to chew.
The lone pool-winner of the week was Greg Stremmel who took home the bounty with a 4.25-pound blackfish. Congrats to Greg as he put a bow on the final trip of the year. I want to thank Captains Chuck and Mike, and first-mate Chris, for their consistent contributions of reports and pictures to the column. Their information also helps to provide good material that can be found on Mark’s Fishing Line on Facebook. Please take the time to check out the page. Thanks again guys and enjoy your time off. The Miss Avalon had a great day Sunday after the foul weather of Saturday left them tied to the dock.
The day was a success since the tog were hungry and ready to chew. The tally at day’s end totaled nine limits scattered around the boat. They had fish up to 4-pounds with the largest of the day, caught by an angler named Dave, tipping the scales at 8.5-pounds. After a quick picture and a visit to the scale, the fish was safely released.
The Miss Avalon is running every few days, when conditions allow, so check their schedule and get down to the dock. The Starfish, just like other local boats, has been actively, and successfully, pursuing blackfish. Many nice fish were caught with many multiple catches being recorded. Check out their schedule to see when they are going. They, like the others, are keeping one eye on the weather and adjusting their days to go fishing accordingly. The Starlight Fleet is running tog trips with Captain Paul on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. They are also running other trips like the recent 12-hour seabass trip. Check their Facebook Page often to see when these trips are available.
Obviously, they are keeping an eye out for favorable weather windows. As they see them, these longer offshore trips will be arranged so you need to check in to see when they are scheduled. The Starfish is hitting the reefs and wrecks when the weather allows. As long as the conditions are decent, they are going out, and better yet, they are catching some nice fish. Blackfish have been the targeted species lately, so if you’re interested, check out their schedule online and grab a date.
With the holiday season upon us it’s the time that you may want to consider some gifts for the anglers in the family. The local captains and tackle shop owners are ready to help you out. Gift cards for a trip, a package of trips scattered throughout the season or a season-pass are available. Check with the boat of your anglers’ liking and I’m sure a nice gift can be arranged. The same goes for the tackle shops. In addition to a lot of basic items such as hooks, dipseys and terminal tackle you can also get some higher end items, particularly rods and reels. Apparel such as hoodies and t-shirts or foul weather gear is also appreciated so your ideas of gifts should easily be fulfilled.
Some of the shops and boats have already ended their seasons but don’t let that get you down. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a phone call or a visit to their website. Whatever you decide to get, just remember to try to keep it local. The local businesses will appreciate your patronage.
A quick congratulations go out to Paul Tomaski who caught, weighed and released a12.5-pound female blackfish. It’s been two years since his last double-digit fish of this species. I know he enjoyed the hunt for this one and will now be looking for his next big one. It’s good to know that this fish is still swimming and contributing some strong genes to the local population. Well done Paul.
Even though it’s the holiday season, and time is precious, if the opportunity presents itself to get out and go fishing, do it. Chances to put some fresh filets in the freezer are quickly dwindling so, if possible, capitalize on your opportunities. Good luck if all the variables align, take care and I’ll see you around.
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