Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Not the Candidate Jesus Would Want in Office

By Barbara Allison, Erma

To the Editor:

The American president has always been held in esteem in my eyes. I respect them and honor them because they have earned it.

But that is not the case today. The Republican nominee is an embarrassment, a disgrace. He hits up his supporters for money daily. He hawks his merchandise like he is a used car salesman. He complains about the economy, but sells 100,000 watches made in China of all places.

Some of his followers say God has chosen him. When I consider someone biblical I see them as being a model for us, for our children. Someone to look up to. Someone who has worked hard and not been handed everything. Someone who respects others, supports them, lifts them up.

Looking at the 10 Commandments, I see nothing biblical in this individual. He blatantly defies them daily. He has compared himself to Jesus. No one has the right to do this. So there’s the first commandment down the drain. He does not honor the Sabbath. Number 6 says no adultery. Whoops!

Seven deals with stealing, which covers paying your employees, your taxes, being honest in business dealings. Not doing well with that one either. Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbors. So wrongly accusing Haitians of eating people’s pets would fall under that along with all the false statements he has made against Biden, Harris, and any other person he does not like. He is constantly degrading people’s looks and their intelligence.

Commandment 9 says not to covet thy neighbor’s wife. Yikes! I can remember when this man harassed an older lady in Atlantic City for her property so he could park his limos there.

He is a convicted sex offender and felon. A poll was taken asking who would you want your children to model themselves after – Harris or Trump. The majority said Trump. What a statement that makes on Americans’ values. Someone who has worked hard against many obstacles, graduated college and law school, became an attorney general and vice president comes below Trump?

He is praised for having lower gas prices and high employment. He was handed a pretty good economy.

He made people fear and distrust our government. On Jan. 6 he violated the Constitution of the United States and watched Americans turn on each other. He turned on his own vice president.

When given the opportunity to make a difference and make the borders more secure he told his Republican cronies to vote down the border bill. If you really love this country and you really care about the safety of Americans you would not do something like this. He wants the glory.

It is so clear to me that he is not the candidate that Jesus would want in office. He didn’t make it back in 2020 so that tells me something. Oh, yeah, the election was stolen. He knew that he lost so this was another one of his lies. Generals, cabinet members, and congressmen who worked under him resigned and refuse to vote for him in this election. What more do you need?

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