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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Wildwood 6.7.2006

By Rick Racela

The guy down the block was hoping to cash in on the housing shortage for all the foreign students coming here this summer to take those jobs our kids don’t want.
The guy intends to knock down the walls in his duplex and install bunk beds in every available inch of space. At last count, he’d calculated there was space for sixty beds.
He hasn’t done anything yet, but the way I figure it, his duplex has a total of four bathrooms so I wouldn’t want to be around on a Monday morning when all those people are trying to get ready to go to work. I wouldn’t want his water bill.
And since these kids all have computers, and other electronic gizmos, I wouldn’t want his electric bill either.
But I suppose he’s got all that figured into the amount per head he plans to charge them to stay at his cattle car by the sea if he actually goes through with this entrepreneurial scheme.
One of the myths I think should be dispelled concerning the foreign students coming here to work is the one about our kids not wanting to work. Part of the problem seems to be one of getting people together, in this case, employers and prospective young workers.
Recently, Margaret Mace School held a job fair for high school students and age-qualified grade school students interested in finding summer employment.
The turnout, I’m told by Lisa Kobierowski, the teacher who organized the event, was terrific, with kids even coming from Middle and Lower Townships.
Too often I’ve heard stories told by parents complaining that their kids can’t find work because businesses want to hire foreign students.
The Morey Organization and Acme Markets participated in the Margaret Mace fair, along with a number of smaller boardwalk businesses.
More events of this kind are needed to get interested young workers together with interested area employers.
Many of the jobs taken by our foreign visitors pay minimum wage. That’s one positive for employers who can hire intelligent, college educated young people for low pay.
Another incentive for employers is that many area colleges start in mid-August while many of the foreign students are able to keep working until Labor Day and beyond into the shoulder season.
I personally have nothing against the foreign kids coming here to work. Their presence adds a certain cosmopolitan atmosphere to the resort.
And there’s an added element of adventure and intrigue with even the most mundane daily business transactions at the coffee bar at the local Wawa.
But as the father of two college students trying to earn enough money to pay educational expenses, I wonder if employers are going too far in their search for help overseas. Having just received my kids’ annual tuition bills, I’m hoping there are still a few openings for, let’s say, an in-house bank robber or a CEO.
Actually, at this point, many of us parents will settle for them getting steady, decent work. The kids can apply for those CEO jobs next summer. ***
By the way, if you’re looking for summer employment in the Wildwoods, check out the New Jersey One Stop Career center, 3810 New Jersey Ave.
Employers looking for workers should consider tapping this resource as well.
Margaret Mace Physical Education teacher Carol Bahniuk was honored by Cape Assist with its Individual Partner in Prevention award.
Bahniuk started the Mentor Buddy program at Margaret Mace and has been running that successful effort for the past 15 years.
The Mentor Buddy program links students with volunteer staff members. The buddies do things together throughout at a number of organized events and functions.
In addition to the award from Cape Assist, Bahniuk received proclamations from State Senator Nick Asselta and Assemblyman Jeff Van Drew.
The American Legion holds its annual convention this weekend with business at the convention center on the boardwalk at Burk Avenue.
The legion will parade on Saturday at 2 p.m. along Atlantic Avenue from 18th Avenue in North Wildwood to Bennett Avenue in Wildwood.
North Wildwood’s annual Writers Conference on the Beach concludes tomorrow and Friday at Montego Bay Hotel, 17th Avenue and the boardwalk.
Journalist Lou Antosh will speak today at 10:40 on the topic: “Blogging and the Difficulty of Finding New Assignments”.
Other writers scheduled to present include Nancy Carol Willis, Keith Forrest (from Atlantic Cape Community College), and Diane Arrelle, former president of the Philadelphia Writers Conference.
These seminar sessions are free.
The fancies are coming to North Wildwood this weekend. The city hosts its annual Mummer’s Brigade event.
Of course, the highlight of the weekend will be the parade on Saturday at 4:30 p.m., along Surf Avenue, from 10th Avenue up to the Olde New Jersey Avenue entertainment district.
Seven fancy brigades will participate including: Cahill, Clevemore, Saturnalian, Avenuers, Satin Slipper, Golden Crown, and Downtowners.
Crest Memorial School’s Principal’s Corner is a monthly showcase for writers in grades 3-8. Teachers submit student works that are posted on the bulletin board at the main entrance to the school.
Authors are rewarded with a pizza lunch where their work is read and discussed. Students also receive certificates honoring their efforts.
May members of the Principal’s Corner are: Holly Golato, Dominic Travascio, Blake Vodges, Jesus Feria, Alfredo Pelaez, Rachael Kobielnik, Emily Orlandini (3rd grade),
Amber Carella, Anthony Chiolo, Mackenzie Huber, Megan Irwin, Jenny Kole, Krista McGowen, Carley Nichols, Samantha Myers, Cole Sawyer, Nicole Toland (4th),
Danielle Aydelotte, Elijah Bethune, Daniel Karvounis, Jordan Rodriguez, Kelsi Toland (5th),
Damaris Lopez, Zach DeWeese (7th)
Natalie Green, Bobby Kole (8th).
Cape May County Emerald Society holds its regular monthly meeting on Saturday at 4 p.m. at the Moose Lodge in North Wildwood.
West Wildwood is still looking for a few good vendors to participate in the borough’s annual American Family Festival, scheduled for Saturday, July 1.
For information, call Joan Schultz at 224-3168.
Attention young sluggers. Home Run Derby invites big hitters ages 8-15 to compete on Saturday at 10 a.m. at the field on Aster and Ocean Avenues, Wildwood Crest. Test your batting skills and possibly win a chance to advance to regional finals.
The derby is free.
Summer trash collection schedule is now in effect for North Wildwood. Trash will be picked up twice a week as follows:
Anglesea to 8th Avenue: Monday and Thursday,
9th through 17th Avenues: Tuesday and Friday,
18th-26th Avenues, Wednesday and Saturday.
Recycling will be picked up on Thursday for Anglesea-8th Avenue,
Friday for 9th-17th Avenues,
Wednesday for 18th-26th Avenues.
Hereford Inlet Lighthouse, 1st and Central Avenues, North Wildwood hosts the first of its summer craft shows on Saturday, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on the lighthouse grounds.
Call 522-4520 for more information on the craft show and lighthouse hours.
The Center for Community Arts announces the third annual Wildwood Youth Arts Program for visual arts for youngsters ages 10-14 from June 26-August 18 at Wildwood High School, 4300 Pacific Ave.
Participants can register for the entire 8 week program or for weekly sessions.
The program is free for residents of the Wildwoods.
Advance registration and $5 per week deposit are required.
Call 884-7525 for more information.

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