Saturday, February 8, 2025


Sandman Raises $6,000 for Domestic Violence Victimes 6.14.2006

By Jack Fichter

COLD SPRING –  Thanks to the generosity of faculty members and students at the Sandman Consolidated School, children of domestic violence victims will get to experience trips to the zoo, movies, and boardwalk.
The school raised  $6,000 for the Coalition Against Rape and Abuse (CARA), exceeding its goal by $1,000. The drive was started by Madeleine Morris, a sixth grade teacher, after she read a newspaper story about this county ranking second in the state in per-capita child abuse.
“As a faculty, we just decided that’s where we needed to raise the money,” said Morris.
 The money is going into a “fun account,” for children of domestic violence victims. The funds will allow trips to Morey’s Pier and to providing comforting items such as teddy bears and blankets, she said.
At a June 9 assembly, Morris presented a check to CARA Executive Director Kristen Bixby. Addressing the assembly, Bixby said it was especially important to know that children support one another.
She told the Herald domestic violence in a household, even if not directed at the child, is very stressful to children.
“Unfortunately, most of our clients do have economic barriers,” said Bixby. “Even the smallest thing like going out for pizza and ice cream is not really doable for a lot of our clients.”
Among the events that raised the $6,000: a yard sale, car wash, student-made crafts, a hoagie sale, a cookbook written by faculty members, a raffle, and games at a four-hour event held May 20.
Morris said she believed the generosity stemmed from the worthwhile nature of the cause. She said the “icing on the cake” was when the winner of a new beach cruiser bicycle, donated by K-Mart, gave the bike back to CARA for a child in need, and included a gift certificate from his business.
Morris said there were those who doubted $5,000 could be raised, let alone exceeding the goal. She said her attitude was, “We’ll do whatever it takes to raise this money.”
“It’s amazing to me when your are really passionate about something, and know that something has to happen, how a community of people can come together and make a difference in such as short time,” said Morris.
“I always knew the Sandman School was incredible,” she said. “Once we had to step up to the plate, it just went to the next level.”
Morris leads a group called Possibilities, which seeks to demonstrate that, with self-confidence and self-esteem and making good choices, “you can make anything happen.

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