Saturday, February 15, 2025


Tanzie Youngblood Announces Congressional Candidacy

Tanzie Youngblood Announces Congressional Candidacy

By Press Release

WASHINGTON – Tanzie Youngblood spent 30 years as a public-school teacher. She has a B.A. in history, two Masters’ degrees and five teaching certifications, including one as a reading specialist. Youngblood has spent a lifetime committed to giving children the tools they need to succeed.
Youngblood has been deeply concerned about the rise in gun violence in schools for years. She has been a champion on the issue for the South Jersey community, with profiles in Newsweek and The Daily Beast. She believes schools are supposed to be safe, calm and nurturing environments for our children – black, white, transgender, gay, Muslim and undocumented. Guns have no place in the classroom.
As a young, black girl growing up on Philadelphia’s West side, Youngblood has seen discrimination first hand. To her, discrimination is discrimination. Period. Leveling the playing field for everyone is a top priority.
As a Blue Star mother, Youngblood understands the sacrifice military families make every day. Time away from loved ones, difficult working and living conditions are just the beginning. Youngblood will fight to ensure that our veterans receive the care, both physical and psychological, they need when they return home.
Youngblood will fight for quality, accessible, cost-controlled healthcare that puts us on the path to a single-payer system. As a lifelong union member, Youngblood knows she and her family have benefited from quality care and believes every American should have access to the same.
Not being a professional politician, Youngblood understands the challenges of raising enough money to run a successful campaign. Money shouldn’t be a challenge to serving in Congress or any other elected office. That’s why Youngblood is committed to overturning Citizens United and supports the 28th amendment movement.
New Jersey’s Second Congressional District is a diverse, talented community that lacks opportunity. Beautiful shorelines, vibrant river communities, family farms and urban areas struggle due to a lack of investment in transportation, 21st century jobs and education.
Youngblood often says that, unknowingly, she’s been preparing for Congress all her life. Her decades spent recognizing issues, educating herself about the available options and bringing communities together to find solutions through collaboration are the skills Youngblood will be taking to Congress.

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