SWAINTON — The Public Policy Committee of the Middle Township Chamber of Commerce has announced that it will hold it’s annual Candidates Breakfast on Thursday, Oct. 22 at The Sand Barrens Golf Club on Route 9 here.
Breakfast will be at 8 a.m. and candidates remarks begin at 8:30 a.m.
A short question and answer period will follow.
Invited to attend are: Middle Township Committee candidates, Steve Barry (D), Daniel Lockwood (R) and Burgess (Butch) Hamer (I).
Cape May County Board of Chosen Freeholders candidate Leonard Desiderio (R).
State Assembly 1st District candidates Nelson Albano (D), Matt Miliam (D), Michael Donohue (R) and John McCann (R).
Project chairperson, Susan Bonder urges all Chamber members and prospective members to attend.
Visit www.middletownshipchamberofcommerce.org
e-mail info@middletownshipchamberofcommerce.org , or call 463-1655 for further info.
Cape May – The number one reason I didn’t vote for Donald Trump was January 6th and I found it incredibly sad that so many Americans turned their back on what happened that day when voting. I respect that the…