The Nature Center of Cape May will host a Backyard Habitat Plant Swap, on Saturday, Sept. 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to benefit the Monarch Schoolyard Habitat Connection Project.
Sue Slotterback, the Nature Center’s Program Director and coordinator of the MSHC says that “now is the perfect time to thin out your own backyard habitat, share some of this year’s garden successes with other habitat gardeners, and benefit schoolyard gardens throughout Cape May County.”
She asks that gardeners bring at least three plants: two to swap with other gardeners and one for the Monarch Schoolyard Habitat Connection. For each additional plant, participants will receive a ticket redeemable for one free plant.
Slotterback invites those just getting started with their backyard habitat gardens to join the event as well.
Plants will be available for $2 each (limit three per person). Plant seeds are welcomed as well and may be traded as an additional plant. Gardeners are asked to place the seeds in labeled envelopes.
Slotterback adds that backyard habitat schools are in need of tools to use in maintaining their gardens. Gardeners with any extras are encouraged to bring them along to donate to this worthy cause.
Knowledgeable backyard habitat advisors will be on hand that day to help with plant selection, wildlife gardening questions, and plenty of resources.
Suggestions on the type of plants needed in backyard habitat gardens may be found at Click on “The World of Backyard Habitats” under Quick Links at the bottom of the homepage, then on “Recommended Nectar Plants” in the left hand column.
The Backyard Habitat Plant Swap is a part of the Nature Center’s Monarch Schoolyard Habitat Connection Project.
Teachers may reserve a grant-funded school outreach Monarch program by calling Slotterback at 609-898-8848 or e-mailing
Additional upcoming programs related to the project include a Schoolyard Habitat Teacher’s Workshop on Oct. 18 and a Brownie Girl Scout Patch Program Oct. 25.
The Nature Center’s Monarch butterfly education efforts are also connected to the global Monarch Watch project, coordinated locally by naturalist Louise Zemaitis.
The Nature Center of Cape May is located at 1600 Delaware Ave., Cape May.
Visit to learn more about the New Jersey Audubon Society’s Nature Center of Cape May and our many fall backyard habitat programs.
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