In Ocean City, America’s Greatest Family Resort, NASCRAB, organizers of the Aug. 6 Hermit Crab events, will award $35 to the next Miss Crustacean, plus the usual Cucumber Rind Cup, symbol of Crustacean comeliness.
“The excitement is palatable,” exclaimed Mark Soifer, founder of the Miss Crustacean Pageant and president of NASCRAB (The National Association of Crab Activities at the Beach).
Factoring in for inflation and hermit crab lifestyle, $35 is equivalent to $35,000 in hermit crab money (the sand dollar).
“The $35 prize is even more significant as this is the 35th year of the pageant,” Soifer said.
The contest will be held at 1 p.m. at the Sixth Street Beach. There is no entry fee or pre-registration.
Because of the substantial cash prize, additional precautions are being taken for security. Crustaceans that have competed in the City’s Extreme Hermit Crab Wrestling tournaments will be on hand to control rowdy spectators.
Miss Crustacean has been a question on “Jeopardy,” been named one of the nation’s 10 most unusual events by U.S. News and World Report, been translated into Japanese and German and featured on the Spanish worldwide television network, in the London Sunday Times, on London TV and in the Wall Street Journal, and more.
Past winners have included such legends as Crabunzel, Crabahontis, Crabopatra, Copacrabana, Pirates of the Crabibean and Crab McMuffin. The victorious crab waddles down a runway while adoring throngs sing “Here It Comes, Miss Crustacean!”
The Hermit Crab races follow the pageant with about 150 crabathletes plodding and clunking over an 8-foot plywood oval. A bugler sounds the call at the starting gate (a plastic cake dish cover) before each heat. Heat winners compete in the championship run-off. The Winner is declared “The King of Klutz” and receives a plaque that says so.
The world’s record of 6.3 seconds was set 30 years ago by Hermie who has since departed. His record remains as an inspiration to all crabs that wish to be inspired.
NOTE: Hermit crabs are not indigenous to this area and should not be left on the beaches to fend for themselves. They cannot survive the winter here. Owners who do not wish to keep their crabs after the pageant and races should give them to NASCRAB officials who will provide a home. Information on how to care for hermit crabs will be distributed at the events.
Cape May County – I would probably be a lefty if they weren’t so bent on bankrupting us both financially and morally.