I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, because mine was lovely. Each of the seven kids actually remembered the day this year. The most exciting part of the day was hearing my son Ian’s new single played on 102.7 The Ace. We didn’t know it was going to be on the air and I was whooping and yelping when I heard it. Ian’s music is reminiscent of Linkin Park and he goes by the name IanofFIRE. You can hear his stuff on myspace.com/ianoffire. *** Over 80 72-hour emergency kits were assembled at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Court House on May 5. Kits included three days worth of rations and should last in storage for two years. The Mormon Church has asked each member of the church to have such a kit on hand in case of an emergency, like what was experienced during the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Thanks go out to Relief Society President Peggy Carlson of Court House, George Carlson, Bill and Kelsie Candell, and Brother and Sister Lawton, for organizing and implementing the event. *** Sherman “Bud” Schull, and his wife Bobette, held a 60th reunion brunch at their Court House home for the MTHS graduating class of 1946. They held a similar brunch 10 years ago for the 50th reunion of the class. Bud estimated the original class to number about 32 graduates, with about 25 left. Formal reunions are held at the Wildwood Golf Club every two years for reunions over 50 years. One will be held this year on September 30. The Schulls shared the cooking detail and put on a great spread. *** Speaking of MTHS, the Middle Township High School Alumni Association offers a presentation for the populace during June at the Main Branch of the Cape May County Library. The exhibit features memorabilia of Middle Township’s School System. Commencement programs dating from May 12, 1884, to June 17, 1908 from the Community Public Schools of Cape May County are featured. Over 100 years old, they are delightfully done and in exceptional condition. Also highlighted is memorabilia of the first graduating class of Middle Township High School, 1909. The Middle Township High School Alumni Association is open to all former students. The purpose of the association is to provide scholarships to graduating students of MTHS. Scholarships are funded by members’ dues, apparel sales, and donations. For additional information please call 463-6350. *** Everything from “Can You Make Plastic Bugs Explode With Ingredients From Your Kitchen?” to “Surviving Without Snacks” was covered at the Elementary Number Two Science Fair on May 12. First, second and third place winners are reported below for their respective category and grade. Biological science/fourth grade: Kayla Jett, Steven Hand/Noah Granigan, Laura Cope. Earth science/fourth grade: Johanna DeFeo, Joey Noddin, Brianna Mutter. Physical science/fourth grade: Benjamin Bright/Quinn Overcash, Megan Jones, Natalie Hand. Behavioral science/fourth grade: Anna Gimeno, Sam Conley, Samantha Krieg. Biological science/fifth grade: Brittany Sittineri, Demetria Anderson, Vincent Kalish. Earth science/fifth grade: Kami Cruz, Jacob Kershaw, Tiffany Croumbley. Physical sciene/fifth grade: Ashley Badders, Timmy Laing, Tyler Hentges/Jeremy Novick. Thanks go out to Mrs. Badders, Mrs. Arnold, students, staff and parents who did such a great job with this event. *** Elementary Number Two held two great Spring Concerts at the PAC recently. On May 16 the 50-piece Beginning Band, the 36-piece Advanced Band, Harmony and the Fifth Grade Choir all wowed us with a wonderful performance. Instrumental groups were directed by Lesley Weber and vocal groups were directed by Lynn Smith-Eldon. The Third and Fourth Grade Choirs, directed by Cindy Yenolevich, performed superbly on May 17. *** Laura Miller and Angelica Saclayan, both members of Elementary Number Two’s Advanced Band, were selected to participate in the 14th Annual Southern New Jersey Honors Band. Over 500 children were nominated for this honor in the seven county, southern New Jersey region. Miller and Saclayan traveled to Williamstown High School on May 13, for a morning rehearsal and a 2 p.m. concert. *** Kudos to Coach Tom Coyle, all the assistant coaches, Gregg Arnold, staff, parents and athletes who helped make the recent Recreation Department Track Meet such a huge success. It was a full day of track and field events for the Rapid Runners and other area teams at Memorial Field on May 13. An estimated 2,500 people showed up, including 1,000 athletes. Parents set up a line of tents all around the track in support of their children. The weather was breezy but sunny and the kids came home exhausted with a job well done. *** MTHS will hold its 28th Annual Academic Awards Ceremony on May 30, 6:30 p.m., at the PAC. At the end of the ceremony student attendees will be eligible for Business Bonus Awards. *** If you are a yard sale fanatic like myself, then mark May 27, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., on your calendars for the Third Annual Cape May County Historical Museum’s Yard Sale. Proceeds will benefit the purchase of a carriage house needed to display a 1926 Roadster Ford Model T. *** Freeholder Gerald Thornton is pleased to announce that Cape May County will hold its annual Memorial Day Service at the Cape May County Veterans’ Cemetery on May 29 at 2 p.m. Speakers include Captain Curtis Odem, Commanding Officer, USCG Cape May, Freeholder Gerald M. Thornton, and Freeholder Leonard Desiderio. Also, invited to participate is Congressman Frank LoBiondo. The United States Coast Guard will provide the ceremonial detail, and representatives from Cape May County Veterans’ organizations will also participate, in the program that honors our fallen veterans. For additional information, contact the Veterans’ Bureau at 886-2762. *** On May 31 Elementary Number One will hold their Music Assembly at the PAC. Show time is 9:30 a.m. to noon. *** National Trails Day with the Wetlands Institute on June 4. Check the On Deck calendar for more information. *** Cape May County Duplicate ACBL Bridge Club May 9 overall winners: Mike Mueller/Ron Small; Jane Green/Edna Savage; Ray Buch/Karen Sylvester; Phyllis Baker/Kathleen Vistenzo; Bob Sherwood/Bob Weber. May 11 north/south: Bob Sherwood/Bob Weber; Angela Lohmann/ Jerry Mueller; Norma Jakominich/Diane Rossi; Kathleen Vistenzo/ Julia O’Neill. East/west: Dave McGrew/Shelly Reidenbach; Fred Beisel/Edna Stevens; Jane Green/Edna Savage; Ray Buch/Henry Buchianico. *** Please send submissions to susansboneyard@verizon.net.
North Wildwood – I am expected to believe that the Super Bowl Half-Time show was about systemic racism especially as it relates to capitalism but yet the performer has recently won 6 Grammy's, has new music and…