Today is the last day of May, and so it’s exactly three weeks to the first day of summer.
I for one think we have had a lovely spring. I didn’t mind the chilly temperatures since it will be hot enough, real soon, for the next few months.
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. It’s time to start driving those alternate routes and shopping at odd hours to avoid all those other folks who like to share our county during the summer.
Be patient with them. They’re just here to have fun and it’s costing them a bit more than last year.
The Camaco Quilter’s Guild, which meets at our branch of the library, will display some of its handiwork this month.
Members have created a quilt of the various quilting methods they learned over the past year and all the individual blocks they completed were sewn together to form a 90 by 90 inch one of a kind creation.
The library is also showing the watercolor paintings of Florence G. Eichhorn.
Wood puzzles by Sharon Norcross are also on display. She cuts, sands and paints each piece to create her puzzle pictures on a variety of subjects.
Jane McNutt has also put together a display, “In Honor of Flag Day – June 14.”
Along with items honoring the flag and handmade crafts, she provides information to share about the proper way to respect and display the flag.
Speaking of June 14, that’s graduation day for the Class of 2006 at Lower Cape May Regional, of which my daughter is one.
Good luck to all the students out there who will be leaving high school and starting the next adventure of their lives whether it be college, the military, or embarking on a new job.
The Christ Child Society wants to thank everyone for making its annual fashion show such a success and has exciting news.
Due to great interest in its mission, its members have decided to hold its first evening meeting for those who cannot attend in the afternoon.
If you want to find out more about this group or have been waiting for this chance to meet with them, stop by St. John of God’s bingo hall June 7 at 7 p.m. Call 602-7692 for more information.
They’re also planning a yard sale at the bingo hall on June 24 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Interested in scrapbooking? Go to Holy Spirit Lutheran Church’s Scrapbooking Social June 3 from 6 p.m. to midnight.
Vendors will be there and for your $10 admission there will be pizza, soda, dessert and lots of fun, I’m told.
The church is on Bayshore Drive in the Villas and proceeds from this event will benefit its nursery fund.
It’s another free weekend at Historic Cold Spring Village this Saturday and Sunday, with a selection of its historic buildings open to tour, with staff members there to explain what they do during the summer.
Members of the Friends of Cold Spring Village will also be there to explain the benefits of membership to that organization, which includes unlimited free admission to the village.
The John Walter Community Band will play at 1 p.m. in the village gazebo on Saturday and the Eddie Morgan Jr. Duo will entertain at the same time and place on Sunday.
The village also has a new summer camp program planned for this year. I’ll give you more details about that next week.
Have a great week and let me know what’s up with you or your organization.
North Wildwood – I am expected to believe that the Super Bowl Half-Time show was about systemic racism especially as it relates to capitalism but yet the performer has recently won 6 Grammy's, has new music and…