WILMINGTON, Del. – The Wilmington Veterans Affairs Medical Center is scheduled to hold a virtual summit aimed at women’s health care and resources available in VA April 8.
According to a release, the VA recognizes that women are the fastest-growing group in the veteran population and will have VA medical professionals on-hand to discuss available women’s health care at the VA.
The virtual summit will cover women’s health, OBGYN services, mental health resources, including military sexual trauma, and how to enroll in VA health care. The event is focused on female veterans but is open to the community and other health care professionals who support female veterans.
Women veterans have achieved amazing successes in the military. More than two million women veterans are living in the U.S. today. In 2000, women were only 4% of the veteran population. By 2040, women will make up 18% of the veteran population.
Today’s women veterans are shaping the future. VA is committed to providing female veterans the access to gender-specific care they have earned and deserve.
Those interested in registering can do so at : www.wilmington.va.gov/services/women/index.asp.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). During SAAM and year-round, VA works to increase public awareness of VA’s services and support for veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma (MST), the term VA uses to refer to sexual assault or sexual harassment during military service.
This year, VA’s message for Sexual Assault Awareness Month is focused on our support for MST survivors and our confidence in their strength, resilience, and ability to continue healing: “We believe you — and we believe in you.”
More information and additional resources can be found at www.mentalhealth.va.gov/MST/index.asp.
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