Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Wildwood Commissioners Deadlocked, City Misses Budget Deadline

By Lauren Suit

WILDWOOD — The city’s $26.1 million budget got one “yes” vote, one “no” vote and one abstention during the Sept. 17 special meeting.
With Commissioners deadlocked, the budget is now in the hands of the state’s Division of Local Government Services.
The city recently received a letter dated Sept. 10 from the Director of the Division of Local Government Services, noting the delay in the adoption of the budget has exceeded any reasonable period and warning the city that the budget had to be passed by Sept. 17.
Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr. said that he was still hoping to avoid a looming 18.5-cent tax in-crease, which is the amount the local purpose tax would increase under the $26.1 million budget introduced in May.
Commissioner Bill Davenport voted in favor of the budget and its accompanying 18.2-cent tax increase. Commissioner Gary DeMarzo, who oversees revenue and finance, abstained on the vote, and Troiano voted no.
Troiano told the audience that instead of forcing that tax hike on residents, he was “sitting on” a $3 million memorandum of understanding from someone willing to buy the city’s former back bay landfill. The mayor did not name the buyer but said the sale would keep the tax-rate increase at 7 cents.
However, City Auditor Glenn Ortman said he was doubtful the state would accept the city’s attempt to bridge the tax gap with the last minute sale.
“If it’s not money in the bank, they’re not going to allow it,” Ortman said.
“We’ll see,” responded Troiano.
Susan Jacobucci, director of the Division of Local Government Services, wrote in the Sept. 10 letter to the city “if the city of Wildwood fails to adopt a budget consistent with our approval according to the statutes, the director of local government services also has the authority pursuant to NJSA 40A: 4-17(b) to establish the amount to be raised by taxation and thereafter notify the Cape May County Board of Taxation of such amount.”
She also noted that state directives would personally penalizes Commissioners $25 each day for past the deadline that the budget isn’t passed.
Despite the flak about the budget in Wildwood, Sandra Richardson was the only resident to speak about revenue-raising ideas during the public portion of the meeting.
Richardson suggested a toll on the George Redding Bridge, beach fees and an amusement tax for the boardwalk.
“I love the tourists and anyone who comes into this city, but we really have to think of something to help offset some of the burden,” she said.

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