Friday, January 17, 2025


Upper Targets Traffic Issues

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By Camille Sailer

PETERSBURG – Upper Township Committee honored Dorothy Morris June 26 on her 100th birthday.
A major portion of the meeting was taken up with discussion and related decisions on a variety of actions about traffic issues. Committee member Hobart Young pointed out that there were mounting problems with sight triangles at Marshall Road and Route 50. 
“I’ve received a number of calls that with the increasing traffic on weekends during the summer and cars ‘nosing out’ to enter Route 50 with no traffic light there have been several very close calls,” he said.
Committee passed a motion to have Engineer Paul Dietrich apprise the county and state about the situation and see what solution can be found.
Young also pointed out that at the site of the former Wawa and now newly-opened Oasis market, anyone making a left turn onto Route 50 is in danger of taking a risk entering this traffic.
“Can we put up a sign prohibiting no left turns? The old site plan for Wawa did not prohibit them, but perhaps this was an oversight.” Dietrich said Wawa was “very protective of its access onto roads and highways.” The committee directed him to approach the owner of Oasis to see if he would voluntarily put up a sign or if the township would provide one at the cost of approximately $100-$150 excluding labor.
Committee discussed the county proposal to install center-line rumble strips on several county roads within the township including Stagecoach Road and Commonwealth Avenue in Strathmere.
There was much discussion about whether rumble strips curb speeding and whether it was worth the noise created for property owners living along the periphery of the roads where they have been installed.
Ultimately, the committee directed Dietrich to get more information from the county engineer before it would support the proposal. “This county funding is related to the Federal Highway Safety Program, and they are looking for municipalities to support the grant.”
The committee specifically asked Dietrich, through a resolution, to see if by reducing speed limits along the roads in question, the need for rumble strips would be eliminated. 
Nuisance Properties
The committee debated how to best approach abatement of nuisance properties and whether it was more cost-effective to use township employees versus having an approved contract with outside labor ready to take on these tasks.
“Most of the work that’s needed is landscaping and neighbors want things fixed ASAP for a property that has usually gone into foreclosure by a bank,” said Solicitor Daniel Young.
Business Administrator Scott Morgan will assess along with Dietrich what is the most reasonable course of action so that municipal employees are not taken from other projects.
Dietrich reported that the Strathmere Fire Department would be receiving a second generator from remaining Sandy funding under a prior FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) program.
“The generator they have now is from about the time the building was constructed 30 years ago. So it’s great they’ll be getting a new one,” Dietrich added.
Mayor Richard Palombo talked about recent meetings he had in Trenton with the state Department of Transportation and legislative representatives.
“I can’t give too many details, but I’m hopeful they’ll put something in the budget for funding of a study or survey related to improving our infrastructure and transportation. We’ll know more in the fall when we see what monies are available to look at for example the Route 9 corridor and Roosevelt Boulevard and how traffic flows there,” the mayor said.
To contact Camille Sailer, email

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