Friday, February 7, 2025


Upper Residents Decry Underground Power Lines

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By Camille Sailer

PETERSBURG – During public comment at Upper Township Committee’s March 8 meeting, residents from Randolph Road,near the decommissioned B.L. England generating station, in Beesley’s Point, said they were “really upset” about recent, apparent moves to beginthe process of establishing underground, high-voltage electric lines along their property. 
“We observed a company placing hundreds of flags along the front of our property just 30 feet away from our home and along the frontage of other homes on Randolph Road,” said a resident. “We’ve made numerous calls to find out what’s going on, and we’ve learned there are plans by the Danish wind farm company, Ørsted, to bury high-voltage, underground cables carrying 275,000-volt power lines along this road.  
“I’ve gone online to research what these high-voltage cables can do and learned how damaging they are: Destruction of nature and wildlife, including thousands of birds and even a strong connection with causing cancer. 
“No one that we have surveyed wants this kind of project in our quiet residential neighborhood and this action will destroy the biggest moneymaker the county has – tourism.” 
In response, Mayor Richard Palombo explained, “Much of what happens in this area of Beesley’s Point is outside Upper’s purview or influence since these are decisions made by the federal and state governments. 
“I can say, however, anything people may be hearing is only speculation since no final plans or decisions have been made nor approvals given. We’ll make sure, though, that in the future, residents are notified of any action, such as the one you’ve described.”

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