PETERSBURG – An ordinance which both prohibits smoking at all municipal facilities, including sports facilities and prohibits the intentional releasing of helium balloons was approved by Upper Township Committee Aug. 28.
The ordinance took effect immediately. Signs will be posted soon regarding its provisions. As pertains to the ordinance’s smoking ban, the regulation permits any certified coach, department head or supervisor, or their designee, to order those smoking to immediately stop.
Referring to the environmental concerns related to the prohibition against helium balloons, latex, and Mylar, Mayor Richard Palombo explained, “We’re doing our best to help the environment and prevent trash and litter from taking away from our beautiful scenery. Wildlife and marine life for whatever reason mistake these balloons as food, ingest them and then cannot digest them.”
Township Solicitor Daniel Young gave more details about the implementation of the smoking ban. “The ordinance also covers smoking at all township athletic facilities which include both fields and buildings. We want to curb air pollution with this ordinance as well as protect our animals and sea life. The fine for violation of either provision of the ordinance, that is, the smoking ban and the prohibition against balloon release, is $500.”
Among Cape May County municipalities, Upper joined several others, including neighboring Ocean City, which has also passed similar restrictions on balloon release.
New Jersey has a law against smoking in any state park. Another county municipality which has a ban on smoking on beaches is Cape May Point.
According to Ralph Cooper, member of and speaking for Upper’s Green Team, there was much citizen support and input for both aspects of the ordinance and the Green Team worked on both for many months.
“Thank you very much to committee members for passing this ordinance because it really helps to improve our township’s environmental goals by curbing litter and addressing air pollution. We have been working on about 40 actions that we can propose to Committee and Township administration regarding environmental benefits and this ordinance supports our Sustainable NJ recertification due early September.”
According to its website, the Sustainable Jersey program includes nearly 400 Green Teams registered with Sustainable Jersey throughout the state. Green Teams provide the leadership to develop plans, implement programs, and assist with educational opportunities that support the creation of a sustainable community. All communities participating in the Sustainable Jersey program must establish a Green Team.
Mayor and elected bodies of each municipality establish a Green Team and appoint members by resolution or ordinance. Green Teams differ from conservancy boards, environmental committees, and planning commissions because the focus is on completing actions required for Sustainable Jersey certification.
Cooper continued, “We were able to get good feedback at the township’s Fourth of July event on environmental concerns and specifically this ordinance.
“In Strathmere, the fishing club there gave us a ringing endorsement for pushing forward the ordinance bans on both smoking and balloon release because they can see first-hand what is happening when they fish in both the ocean and the back-bay waters,” said Cooper.
To contact Camille Sailer, email
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