PETERSBURG – During Upper Township Committee’s Aug. 27 meeting the municipal engineer shared with the governing body N.J. Department of Transportation’s plan to replace the bridge on Route 50 over Cedar Swamp Creek.
At present the bridge has structural deficiencies but meets tolerable limits. The bridge was built in 1961.
It is 162.1 feet in length and sees an average daily traffic flow of over 6,000 vehicles.
It is anticipated the NJDOT bridge replacement project will begin in fall of 2020 and continue until May 2022. Two lanes, one in each direction will be passable from May 15 until Sept. 15.
Other dates, one lane will be detoured, beginning in the fall of 2020 with the southbound lane.
Committee indicated its need to work closely with DOT to ensure detour traffic is able to flow north and south and that the detour route does not overly impact residents along the detour path.
Of concern was speeding through residential areas that might be part of the detour route.