ERMA – There is no tax increase expected in Lower Township this year, thanks to a plan to spend about half of the surplus, according to the municipality’s introduced budget.
Lower Township Council introduced its proposed 2022 municipal budget at its March 8 meeting. The total municipal budget is $30.6 million, with $22 million to be raised by taxes.
In a statement read into the record at the meeting, Township Manager Mike Laffey Sr. explained why the municipality believes spending $4.6 million of its $8.6 million surplus, to keep taxes flat, is the right decision.
“We feel confident using this amount of surplus because monies received from the American Rescue allocation in 2021 have restored the losses sustained from 2020,” said Laffey.
The proposed tax levy is $22 million, compared to last year’s $21.8 million. There will be a public hearing on the budget April 4 at 7 p.m.