DOVER, DEL – U.S. offshore wind energy development is moving at a fast pace. According to a release, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council has created an offshore wind updates email list to distribute updates on offshore wind energy developments that may affect Mid-Atlantic Council-managed fisheries.
These email updates will be sent about once per month and will contain relevant updates from the previous month; however, the council makes no guarantees that they will contain the most current information or all potentially relevant updates.
To sign up for this list, go to enter an email address and check the box for “Offshore Wind Updates.”
Those who are subscribed to any other council email lists, this will not affect their other subscriptions.
The first offshore wind update for Oct. 31, 2019 is included below.
Those who do not sign up for the offshore wind updates list at the link above, will not receive future updates on this topic.
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