SEA ISLE CITY – The City of Sea Isle City has amended the rules and regulations for fishing off the beaches of the City, as authorized by Ordinance 20-1.1.a.23.
Effective August 8, 2022, all shore-based shark fishing shall be prohibited in, on, or near the beaches and within 600-feet of the beaches of the City of Sea Isle City.
Shore-based shark fishing is defined as: any person targeting or harvesting sharks from shore (beach), including from any structure attached to the shore (beach) including, but not limited to, piers, jetties, and bridges. The prohibition shall include shore-based shark fishing by chumming/blood-baiting, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), or with the assistance/use of any water vessel by any person or in concert with others within the City of Sea Isle City. “Unmanned aerial vehicle” means any aerial vehicle that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention within or on the aerial vehicle.
In addition to the ban on all shark fishing, all fishing by chum, vessels, and/or drones in, on, or near the beaches and within 600-feet of the beaches shall be prohibited.
The possession of chum, vessels, and/or drones on the beaches in conjunction with fishing gear shall create a presumption of impermissible fishing.
Any person who violates any provision of these regulations shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a municipal infraction and be subject to a fine of not more than $1,250.00 per occurrence.
The City will contact the local fishing community and the surfing community to look at long term solutions to shark fishing off the City shore to ensure reasonable regulations promoting the continued long term harmonious sharing of surfing and fishing beaches by the stakeholders in these desired beach activities.
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