COURT HOUSE – The Senior Freeze and Homestead Benefit property tax relief programs survived the budget process for the shortened nine-month budget year that began Oct. 1. The two programs help almost 700,000 residents pay their tax bills.
The two programs were suspended in the wake of the pandemic’s impact on state revenues, but they were reinstated in the budget that runs to June 2021.
Payments for the Senior Freeze program have started to be disbursed. The application deadline for the 2019 tax year was extended from Nov. 2 to Dec. 31.
The Senior Freeze program is open to those over 65 and who are disabled, own a home, and whose 2019 income was less than $91,505.
The Homestead Benefit payments that the state did not make this year will be included in May 2021 property tax bills. Normally, the benefit is split between the November and May tax bills, but this year, there will be one payment. The program involves a payment by the state to municipalities who apply it to the property owner’s tax bill.
Participation in the Homestead Benefit program is open to those who meet residency and income requirements. The deadline to file the latest Homestead Benefit application for tax year 2017 was December 2019.
Information on the Homestead Benefit program ( and the Senior Freeze program ( is available on the state Division of Taxation’s website.
Cape May County – I would probably be a lefty if they weren’t so bent on bankrupting us both financially and morally.