OCEAN CITY – May 30, 2010 – June 5, 2010 Calls for Service: 1551 Daily Average: 221
Bicycle After Hours – 145 Smoking – 147 Dogs – 38 Dune Violations – 1 Shoplifters – 4
Alcohol Violations – 11 Noise Violations – 1 Criminal Arrests – 5 Traffic Summonses – 23
May 30, 2010: Sunday
Calls for service: 304
Motor Vehicle Stops: 53 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 4 Property Checks: 17
• The Police Department assisted with 12 Fire and 15 EMS calls
• City Ordinance noise violation, 800 block 5th St., summons issued, at 12:26am
• City Ordinance noise violation, 700 block 1st St., summons issued, at 1:05am
• DWI investigation, Route 52, one in custody, at 3:58am
• City Ordinance noise violation, 800 block Pennlyn Pl., summons issued, at 5:52am
• Commercial alarm activation, 1000 block Boardwalk, accidental, at 7:57am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, unit block Central Ave., report filed, at 8:50am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, unit block Central Ave., report filed, at 9:03am
• Burglary investigation, Brittany Dr., report filed, at 9:10am
• Warrant service, 1300 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 10:47am
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 22nd St. & Wesley Ave., at 10:50am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 100 block Central Ave., report filed, at 1:02pm
• Theft investigation, 1400 block Simpson Ave., report filed, at 1:03pm
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 200 block Central Ave., report filed, at 1:06pm
• Theft investigation, 1500 block Central Ave., bicycle taken, at 2:29am
• Theft investigation, 900 block Park Pl., bicycle taken, at 4:29pm
• Theft investigation, 800 block Plaza Pl., bicycle taken, at 4:30pm
• Trespassing investigation, 2700 block Wesley Ave., one in custody, at 4:46pm
• Commercial alarm activation, 500 block 8th St., accidental, at 5:24pm
• Shoplifting investigation, 1100 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 5:30pm
• Motor vehicle accident, hit & run, 800 block 8th St., at 5:36pm
• Harassment investigation, 1000 block Asbury Ave., report filed, at 6:14pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 11th St. & Wesley Ave., at 7:08pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 3400 block West Ave., at 7:44pm
• Neighborhood dispute investigation, unit block Wesley Rd., report filed, at 8:28pm
May 31, 2010: Monday
Calls for service: 204
Motor Vehicle Stops: 27 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 6 Property Checks: 27
• The Police Department assisted with 8 Fire and 13 EMS calls
• Theft investigation, 1000 block Boardwalk, bicycle taken, at 12:01am
• Fraud investigation, 900 block Bay Ave., report filed, at 12:24am
• City Ordinance alcohol violation, 1200 block Asbury Ave., summons issued, at 12:59am
• Commercial alarm activation, 800 block Boardwalk, accidental, at 4:49am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 900 block Central Ave., report filed, at 7:30am
• Theft investigation, unit block Corinthian Ave., report filed, at 9:24am
• Residential alarm activation, 3200 block Asbury Ave., property secure, at 9:24am
• Burglary investigation, 100 block Corinthian Ave., report filed, at 9:49am
• Residential alarm activation, 900 block Stenton Pl., accidental, at 10:39am
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 51st St. & Central Ave., at 11:26am
• Motor vehicle accident, hit & run, 800 block 7th St., at 2:52pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 9th St. & Ocean Ave., at 3:52pm
• Motor vehicle accident, hit & run, 3400 block Simpson Ave., at 4:38pm
• Theft investigation, 3900 block Central Ave., bicycle taken, at 7:10pm
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 800 block Asbury Ave., report filed, at 8:24pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 1200 block Haven Ave., at 9:07pm
• Burglary investigation, 2300 block Wesley Ave., one in custody, at 11:47pm
June 1, 2010: Tuesday
Calls for service: 167
Motor Vehicle Stops: 35 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 2 Property Checks: 27
• The Police Department assisted with 7 fire and 8 EMS calls
• Residential alarm activation, Caroline La., accidental, at 1:07am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, Tennessee Ave., report filed, at 7:13am
• Residential alarm activation, Somerset La., accidental, at 7:50am
• Burglary investigation, 600 block West Ave., report filed, at 7:57am
• Commercial alarm activation, 1100 block Boardwalk, accidental, at 7:58am
• Residential alarm activation, 400 block 49th St., accidental, at 8:03am
• Residential alarm activation, Walnut Rd., accidental, at 10:23am
• Stolen Vehicle investigation, 1000 block Ocean Ave., report filed, at 12:48am
• Harassment investigation, 500 block Atlantic Ave., report filed, at 12:51pm
• Motor vehicle accident, injuries reported, 900 block Wesley Ave., at 2:43pm
• Theft investigation, 100 block West Ave., bicycle taken, at 4:00pm
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 900 block Wesley Ave., report filed, at 6:39pm
• Landlord/Tenant dispute investigation, 900 block Wesley Ave., report filed, at 6:50pm
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 5200 block Bark Dr., report filed, at 10:05pm
• Warrant service, unit block 12th St., one in custody, at 10:07pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 34th St. & Asbury Ave., at 11:02pm
• Theft investigation, 1300 block West Ave., bicycle taken, at 8:50am
June 2, 2010: Wednesday
Calls for service: 153
Motor Vehicle Stops: 39 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 3 Property Checks: 39
• The Police Department assisted with 6 fire and 5 EMS calls
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 3800 block West Ave., report filed, at 1:18am
• Warrant service, Route 52, one in custody, at 2:17am
• Lockdown Drill, Intermediate School, at 8:36am
• Residential alarm activation, Tobago La., accidental, at 9:59am
• Commercial alarm activation, 900 block West Ave., accidental, at 10:02am
• Verbal Dispute investigation, Morningside Rd., report filed, at 11:14am
• Shoplifting investigation, 800 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 11:28am
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 13th St. & West Ave., at 11:49am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 600 block Haven Ave., report filed, at 12:32pm
• Motor vehicle accident, hit & run, 13th St. & Wesley Ave., at 2:30pm
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 800 block Atlantic Ave., report filed, at 2:35pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 9th St. & Bay Ave., at 3:04pm
• Commercial alarm activation, 500 block 6th St., accidental, at 4:34pm
• Trespassing investigation, 600 block West Ave., report filed, at 6:18pm
• Residential alarm activation, 3200 block Asbury Ave., accidental, at 6:50pm
June 3, 2010: Thursday
Calls for service: 166
Motor Vehicle Stops: 51 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 2 Property Checks: 32
• The Police Department assisted with 9 fire and 10 EMS calls
• Theft investigation, 100 block Battersea Rd., bicycle taken, at 8:18am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 600 block Ocean Ave., report filed, at 8:57am
• Residential alarm activation, 1000 block Wesley Rd., accidental, at 12:45pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 1200 block West Ave., at 1:25pm
• Residential alarm activation, 4800 block West Ave., accidental, at 3:59am
• Residential alarm activation, 100 block North Point Rd., accidental, at 5:33pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, Ocean Drive, at 6:16pm
• Shoplifting investigation, 1100 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 6:23pm
• Shoplifting investigation, 900 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 7:00pm
June 4, 2010: Friday
Calls for service: 224
Motor Vehicle Stops: 64 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 0 Property Checks: 38
• The Police Department assisted with 7 fire and 5 EMS calls
• CDS investigation, 1200 block Haven Ave., one in custody, at 12:51am
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 700 block Moorlyn Terr., report filed, at 2:48am
• Commercial alarm activation, 1100 block Asbury Ave., building secure, at 3:12am
• Residential alarm activation, 900 block Seacliff Rd., property secure, at 3:19am(2 responses)
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 1600 block Wesley Ave., report filed, at 8:29am
• Fraud investigation, 800 block Central Ave., report filed, at 9:20am
• Warrant service, 400 block Atlantic Ave., one in custody, at 10:48am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, Arkansas Ave., report filed, at 11:14am
• Residential alarm activation, 2400 block Wesley Ave., accidental, at 11:34am
• Theft from vehicle investigation, 4900 block Central Ave., report filed, at 11:43am
• Warrant service, 3300 block Bay Ave., one in custody, at 12:41pm
• Residential alarm activation, 4100 block Central Ave., accidental, at 1:08am
• Warrant service, 900 block Bay Ave., one in custody, at 1:24pm
• Aircraft accident, 5200 block Bayfront, at 3:03pm
• Shoplifting investigation, 900 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 4:21pm
• Disorderly conduct investigation, 1100 block Central Ave., one in custody, at 4:27pm
• Domestic Violence investigation, Corsons Inlet, one in custody, at 5:13pm
• Theft investigation, 400 block Asbury Ave., bicycle taken, at 6:23pm
• Disorderly conduct investigation, unit block 55th St., report filed, at 6:40pm
• Residential alarm activation, Walnut Rd., accidental, at 6:46pm
• Warrant service, 1000 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 6:51pm
• Burglary investigation, 700 block Boardwalk, one in custody, at 6:56pm
• Shoplifting investigation, 900 block Boardwalk, two in custody, at 7:17pm
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 900 block Bay Ave., report filed, at 9:44pm
• CDS investigation, 700 block Beach, one in custody, at 10:10pm
• CDS investigation, 800 block Atlantic Ave., one in custody, at 11:01pm
June 5, 2010: Saturday
Calls for service: 333
Motor Vehicle Stops: 95 Motor Vehicle Accidents: 2 Property Checks: 41
• The Police Department assisted with 12 fire and 9 EMS calls
• Disorderly Conduct investigation, 700 block Ocean Ave., report filed, at 12:21am
• DWI investigation, 900 block West Ave., one in custody, at 1:20am
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 1100 block Central Ave., report filed, at 1:52am
• Warrant service, 1100 block Central Ave., one in custody, at 2:08am
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 400 block Bay Ave., report filed, at 2:54am
• Child Abuse investigation, 900 block West Ave., report filed, at 4:22am
• Theft from vehicle investigation, 200 block Simpson Ave., report filed, at 7:58am
• Criminal Mischief investigation, 1500 block Central Ave., report filed, at 9:37am
• Verbal Dispute investigation, 400 block Waverly Rd., report filed, at 12:59pm
• Theft investigation, 2900 block Haven Ave., report filed, at 1:02pm
• Harassment investigation, 900 block Boardwalk, report filed, at 1:06pm
• Motor vehicle accident, no injuries reported, 17th St. & West Ave., 1:53pm
• Theft investigation, unit block Ocean Rd., report filed, at 2:20pm
• Warrant service, 900 block Ocean Ave., report filed, at 2:23pm
• Residential alarm activation, Pine Rd., accidental, at 5:32pm
• Disorderly Conduct investigation, 700 block Boardwalk, report filed, at 8:14pm
• Warrant service, 800 block West Ave., one in custody, at 9:29pm
• DWI investigation, 1100 block West Ave., one in custody, at 10:35pm
• Advisory that Parking Meter regulations go into effect as of May 1, 2010. Please remember to feed the meters.
• All Residents and visitors are reminded that there are new traffic patterns on 9th Street between West Avenue and the Route 52 Causeway. Please be alert and observe all signs and police officers directions when utilizing this roadway. Delays can be expected during heavy traffic hours and on weekends.
• Just a reminder that it is a violation of a City Ordinance to have dogs on the boardwalk anytime during the year.
• The Ocean City Community Policing Unit COP CHASE 5K race and 2 mile walk is Saturday June 12, 2010 at the Civic Center 5th St. and the Boardwalk. All are welcomed to participate race starts at 8AM.
Cape May – The number one reason I didn’t vote for Donald Trump was January 6th and I found it incredibly sad that so many Americans turned their back on what happened that day when voting. I respect that the…