NORTH WILDWOOD ─ “I’ve studied every form of government in New Jersey,” City Clerk and Historian Scott Jett, said during comment at the March 7 City Council meeting.
According to Jett, April will commemorate the city’s incorporation in 1917, 100 years ago. Jett also added that the city had been functioning under a borough form of government until the incorporation and reflected that the city form of government was “best.”
North Wildwood continues to implement better methods of serving residents, guests, and those who conduct business not only in the city but across the Wildwoods.
After approving Charles Klink’s position in the Anglesea Volunteer Fire Company, one ordinance came before the council providing for over $3 million for “various improvements.”
Regarding resolutions, the city will participate in a “Houston-Galveston Area Cooperative Purchasing Program,” a service that allows municipalities to find and purchase public works and other equipment at” reduced rates.”
“Does this exempt us from the county program?” Councilman Edwin Koehler inquired, referring to a Cape May County cooperative purchasing program of a similar nature.
Both Jett and Administrator Kevin Yecco said that participating in another program does not infringe on any existing group. “No, it’s a supplement,” said Yecco.
A shared-services agreement with the Cape May County Municipal Utilities Authority also passed. It allows the city to use county facilities for its annual “recycling tonnage report.”
The city is also submitting a tonnage grant application to the state Department of Environmental Protection.
Two summer concession licenses were awarded: Sunbrella Inc. will offer umbrellas for beach-goers and the hot dog vending license at 12th and Kennedy Boulevard was awarded to Ryan Troiano.
According to Jett, out of the three individuals who bid on the hot dog vending permit, only Troiano showed his county vending license.
Council then rejected a bid for the 16th Avenue “Beach Utility Reconstruction” project due to the individual’s estimate being “substantially higher than the engineer’s estimate,” according to Jett.
When the floor was opened for public comment, the owner of a local taxicab company asked if any progress had been made regarding an island-wide taxicab standard.
As regulations presently stand, each taxicab must register separately in each municipality throughout the Wildwoods. Complaints of Uber drivers not having to follow the same regulations have been made at past council meetings.
Jett replied that Greater Wildwoods Tourism Improvement and Development Authority is examining the matter. “We’re (North Wildwood) trying to work with mayors, clerks, and attorneys,” Jett said.
City Solicitor William Kaufmann confirmed that the process would take time as pre-existing laws and regulations must be observed while seeking a solution.
According to Kaufmann, taxi drivers must obtain approval from governing bodies to operate and also undergo criminal background checks.
Kaufmann said that a shared services agreement could be reached while enforcing “bare minimum requirements.”
Mayor Patrick Rosenello said that the city would “hope for 2018” and a new island-wide policy that will honor the law and make conditions better for taxi drivers.
To contact Rachel Rogish, email
Cape May County – Reading a letter to the editor I was rather appalled that a former teacher thinks she’s doing good by investing and advising illegal immigrants on how to further circumvent the law. A more ethical…