WOODBINE – The Borough of Woodbine held activities throughout town to commemorate Alcohol Awareness Month.
During the month of April, Woodbine Elementary School, in conjunction with the Municipal Alliance Committee, Woodbine Parent-Teacher Organization, and Cape Assist are participating in the following activities:
Lisa Pilla from Cape Assist will be working with Mrs. Merollo during health classes, discussing the following topics: How to say “no” to alcohol; 50 ways to stay alcohol free; underage drinking: myths vs. facts; underage drinking consequences; loss of license; fines; alcohol education classes; the connection between alcohol and crime; hosting responsible teen parties; and facts about binge drinking.
On April 18, students will be having a “Wear Purple Day” in recognition of Alcohol Awareness Month. Students will be able to wear purple shirts and will be given Municipal-Alliance-provided purple wristbands.
On April 18, from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., during the Community-Food-Bank-sponsored Free Food Market at Woodbine Elementary School, the school will host the following: In conjunction with the Woodbine Parent-Teacher Organization, the staff will be providing parents an activities bag which includes: healthy cake mix recipe using applesauce; Municipal-Alliance-provided alcohol awareness month lanyards; and Municipal-Alliance-provided alcohol awareness pencils to be used with family activities to bring parents and children closer together (activities provided in the bag).
Peer leaders will be presenting display boards to help share information about alcohol and substance abuse with parents during the free food market.
Previously, the Woodbine Municipal Alliance provided special “Step-Up for Prevention” t-shirts to be worn as part of the “Wear Purple Day” to bring awareness of prevention of alcohol abuse.
“To acknowledge this, borough employees have been asked for a third year in a row to wear their purple t-shirts on Alcohol Awareness Day,” added Mayor William Pikolycky.
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