WEB, LTPD1. Blotter
ERMA — During the week of Sunday, Jan. 11 through Saturday, Jan. 17, 2009, Lower Township Police responded to and/or initiated 574 calls for service averaging over 82 calls per day.
The following is a brief rundown of calls for service and reported incidents that police responded to during the week.
Jan. 11, 2009:
Rescue Call: 3:43 am Spruce Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for a subject with a head injury.
Burglary: 12:10 pm Tennessee Ave., Villas, residence entered and several items stolen.
Disorderly Conduct: 3:47 pm Route 109, Cold Springs, problem with an ex-employee.
Rescue Call: 4:22 pm Idaho Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for respiratory emergency.
Disorderly Conduct: 6:03 pm Freedom Dr., Erma, report of hearing gunshots.
Warrant Arrest: 7:58 pm Crawford Road, Erma, subject released on bail with a court date.
Burglary: 9:45 pm Croydon Dr., N.C.M., residence entered and several items stolen, charges filed.
Rescue Call: 9:51 pm Town Bank Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for chest pains.
Narcotics Arrest: 11:14 pm Croydon, N.C.M., possession of CDS, charges filed.
Rescue Call: 11:40 pm Washington Blvd., N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for shortness of breath.
Jan. 12, 2009:
Disorderly Conduct: 12:05 am Evergreen Ave., Villas, subject causing a disturbance.
Rescue Call: 12:07 am Kenvil Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Disorderly Conduct: 2:54 am W. Delaware Ave., Villas, subject causing a disturbance.
Theft: 8:11 am Woodland Ave., Villas, theft of a wallet from a car.
Criminal Mischief: 8:45 am Woodland Ave., Villas, damage done to a vehicle.
Theft: 10:05 am Town Bank Road, N.C.M., theft of a gun, charges filed.
Burglary: 1:03 pm Croydon Dr., N.C.M., residence entered and several items stolen, charges filed.
Rescue Call: 5:47 pm Langs Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for seizures.
Disorderly Conduct: 6:44 pm Sunnyside Dr., N.C.M., subject causing a disturbance.
Disorderly Conduct: 8:49 pm Broadway Ave., Villas, subject causing a disturbance.
Jan. 13, 2009:
Rescue Call: 12:06 am Fishing Creek Road, Fishing Creek, Police & Rescue responded for subject who took the wrong medication.
Assault: 12:51 am W. Miami Ave., Villas, subject was assaulted by two subjects.
Theft: 4:32 am W. Greenwood Ave., Villas, subjects stealing items out of yard.
Rescue Call: 1:30 pm Breakwater Place, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Disorderly Conduct: 3:06 pm Artic Ave., N.C.M., argument with the landlord.
Domestic: 3:16 pm Howland Ave., N.C.M., subject having a verbal argument.
Disorderly Conduct: 3:49 pm E. Wilde Ave., Villas, disagreement with their neighbor.
Trespassing: 3:49 pm W. Wilde Ave., Villas, subject on private property.
Rescue Call: 4:43 pm Arbor Road, Villas, Police & Rescue responded for shortness of breath.
Fire Call: 6:37 pm Seashore Road, Erma, fire alarm, Police & Erma Fire responded.
Rescue Call: 6:50 pm Sivia St., N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Fire Call: 7:34 pm Ocean Dr., Cold Springs, fire alarm, Police & Erma Fire responded.
Rescue Call: 11:39 pm Orchard Dr., N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for diabetic emergency.
Jan. 14, 2009:
Fire Call: 12:32 am E. Florida Ave., Villas, fire alarm, Police & Villas Fire responded.
Rescue Call: 12:54 am Town Bank Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for a subject who fell.
Rescue Call: 1:23 am Broadway Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for shortness of breath.
Fire Call: 9:39 am Town Bank Road, N.C.M., fire alarm, Police & Town Bank Fire responded.
Criminal Mischief: 10:46 am Deepwater Road, N.C.M., damage done to a mailbox.
Harassment: 1:00 pm Oakdale Ave., Villas, subject being harassed over the Internet.
Rescue Call: 2:02 pm Ocean Dr., Cold Spring, Police & Rescue responded for cardiac emergency.
Burglary: 2:12 pm E. Virginia Ave., Villas, residence entered and several items stolen, charges filed.
Rescue Call: 2:42 pm Bayshore Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for cardiac emergency.
Rescue Call: 2:47 pm Bayshore Road, Villas, Police & Rescue responded for shortness of breath.
Theft: 2:59 pm Pirate Road, Villas, subject was charged for an item he did not receive.
Theft: 3:50 pm Shirley Ave., Erma, charges have been made against their debit card.
Disorderly Conduct: 4:22 pm Bayshore Road, Villas, two subjects arguing.
Rescue Call: 7:50 pm Mimosa Dr., N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for cardiac emergency.
Fire Call: 9:00 pm Tecumseh Road, Erma, smoke in residence, Police & Erma Fire responded.
Domestic Violence: 9:28 pm W. New York Ave., Villas, victim assaulted, charges filed.
Theft: 10:50 pm Bayshore Road, Villas, money was taken from their account.
Jan. 15, 2009:
Disorderly Conduct: 3:50 am Seashore Road, Erma, male and female is arguing.
Harassment: 8:25 am Route 9, Erma, subject being harassed over the telephone.
Rescue Call: 9:17 am Wissahickon Ave., Cold Springs, Police & Rescue responded for possible stroke.
Rescue Call: 4:15 pm Town Bank Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for a subject who fell.
Rescue Call: 4:20 pm E. St. Johns Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for shortness of breath.
Disorderly Conduct: 6:50 pm Broadway Ave., Villas, male and female is arguing.
Disorderly Conduct: 7:02 pm Breakwater Road, Erma, two male subjects arguing.
Domestic: 8:09 pm North Parkway, Erma, TRO granted and served on the actor
Rescue Call: 11:58 pm Loblolly La., N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Jan. 16, 2009:
Rescue Call: 5:17 am Town Bank Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Fire Call: 6:29 am E. South Station Ave., Diamond Beach, CO2 alarm, Police & Erma Fire responded.
Rescue Call: 11:07 am Broadway Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Criminal Mischief: 3:59 pm Bayshore Road, Villas, damage done to a window.
Rescue Call: 4:22 pm Bayshore Road, N.C.M., Police & Rescue responded for chest pains and shortness of breath.
Harassment: 5:15 pm Desoto Ave., Villas, subject being harassed over the Internet by
Fire Call: 5:45 pm Seashore Road, Erma, kitchen fire, Police & Erma Fire responded.
Domestic Violence: 8:53 pm Beechwood Ave., Villas, victim being harassed by ex-boyfriend.
Domestic Violence: 9:37 pm Orchard Dr., N.C.M., victim being harassed by ex-girlfriend.
Jan. 17, 2009:
Drunk Driver Arrested: 1:39 am Seashore Road, Erma, released with a court date.
Rescue Call: 12:48 am Ohio Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for a subject who fell.
Assault: 1:59 am Meadowview Road, Erma, victim was assaulted by the neighbor.
Theft: 9:56 am Shore Dr., Cape May Beach, someone using his WaWa card.
Rescue Call: 11:00 am Schellenger Landing Road, Cold Spring, Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Fire Call: 11:18 am Trotter Way, Erma, stove fire, Police & Erma Fire responded.
Harassment: 11:22 am Lawnside Road, Town Bank, subject being harassed by the neighbor.
Rescue Call: 11:45 am Wildwood Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for unknown medical emergency.
Harassment: 12:04 pm Broadway Ave., Villas, subject being harassed by her ex-boyfriend.
Fire Call: 2:29 pm Ibis La., N.C.M., fire alarm, Police & Town Bank Fire responded.
Rescue Call: 6:04 pm Oak Ave., Villas, Police & Rescue responded for diabetic emergency.
Drunk Driver Arrested: 10:15 pm Breakwater Road, Erma, released with a court date.
Disorderly Conduct: 10:32 pm Cove Dr., N.C.M., two subjects arguing in the upstairs apartment.
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